Title says it all… I (35M) discovered my GF of 10 years (28F) (who became rich and famous while we were together) is or was cheating. Relationship is (or at least felt) otherwise strong. My entire life (including career) has been wrapped up in all this and breaking up would fundamentally change everything back to zero. (Have distanced myself from my family and friends because of getting so wrapped up in this underground world that nobody really knows about.)

It would be a hard reset on life. A part of me wants to start building myself up, selfishly taking advantage of the situation/connections before pulling the ripcord but I know that’s probably not right… I’m obviously gutted, but I think in the back of my head knew this would probably happen eventually, which has softened the emotional blow a bit.

tl:dr – Famous GF cheated on me and I should break up with her but I will lose my (lucrative) career from those connections and basically entire life and don’t think I have the courage to do it.

  1. Being cheated on feels gut wrenching. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

    I have friends who are dating/have dated affluent people who cheat and have been in the same situation as you.

    •Some left the relationship/lavish lifestyle and found someone who truly values them.

    •Some stayed and made (or are still making) the relationship work.

    •The friends who broke up with their rich/famous partner admitted they miss the lavish lifestyle.

    •The friends who decided to stay admitted they didn’t love their partner the same after the affair(s) and feels like it will never be the same.

    It’s on you to reevaluate the relationship. Do you really love them? Do you see yourself with them 5 years from now? Can you forgive and forget, or would you rather move on and discover something/someone else meant for you?

    Best wishes ⭐️

  2. Sorry if this is a bit course, but:

    Here’s an important FACT: if you don’t break up with her, she will break up with you. Do what you can NOW to salvage the situation and then leave her so that it doesn’t take you by surprise later down the road. Take control of your life, “take advantage of the situation/connections” like you said, and then leave her cold. You will feel amazing. If you’ve actually made connections with those people like you said, then you should be likeable enough to keep them. If you aren’t, then it’s not a career meant for you anyway.

    Step 2: lead your life the way you want. Don’t follow in someone’s footsteps. Your reluctance to leave her and take your own life my the reins is the reason she’s cheating on you. No one likes being in a relationship with someone who they just drag along.

    I also don’t understand: she’s famous, but you’re working in an underground world that no one knows about?

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