Do you risk taking a beating while trying to fight the dude off or? I’ve never been in a relationship but I;m curious

  1. If he’s actually harassing your girlfriend, you should carry a gun. Big dudes think they can do whatever they want just because they’re big… Gotta remind them that all that time in the gym can be for nothing with a pull the trigger.

    And if you don’t like guns I suggest you getting in the gym yourself. Women typically don’t want to be with a man who they think can’t defend himself or protect her in any situation.

    (Before some super feminist replies “woMeN DoNT NeED PrOtECtion” it’s a general statement.)

  2. Just because he’s jacked doesn’t mean he can actually fight.

    In any case, you can always go for the jewels. All those biceps certainly won’t help then. ( .-.)

    However, avoiding a fight is what you should always do. Grab your partner, walk away, whatever. If she’s worthwhile (for lack of a better word), she won’t hold it against you.

  3. call cops and help defend, not gonna let all those months of body building go to waste

  4. Supposed to do? I’m not sure there’s a consensus.

    Me? I’d let her handle it how she saw fit unless she gave me some kind of signal she wanted me to intervene. She’s a grown adult and doesn’t need me to come to her rescue uninvited.

    Plus, she took pink gloves boxing and I’m a Weeble.

  5. You don’t fight casually in real life. You always risk falling and hitting your head, dying instantly. Or the other person falling and hitting their head, landing you a manslaughter/murder charge.

  6. Tell him the Jam and Marmalade joke

    ***What’s the difference between Jam and Marmalade?***

    ***You can’t marmalade your cock up a girls arse***

    instantly defuses the situation as he tries to work out what just happened

  7. Depends on what he does. If he just says some stupid comment as we’re walking down the street, then I’d just ignore it and keep on walking. Words aren’t worth getting in a fight over. If he tries to grab her then I’d probably shove his hands off and tell him to keep them to himself.

  8. Bro, haven’t you seen any of the Rocky movies? You start a training montage that last months and then have an epic back n forth fight were you’re getting the shit beat out of you for most of it but then at the last few minutes you find that inner warrior and take the fight to them, obviously!

  9. Fight him risk personal injury and perpetuating toxic masculinity or appear weak and a coward to your girlfriend. Tough call.

  10. First of all I’m not scared of someone just because he is bigger than me, I used to be a competitive powerlifter and I learned how to fight atleast a bit in my few years in the army.

    Secondly unless she asks me to help her I will let her handle it.

    Don’t start fights if you can avoid them, its not as fun as it looks in movies.
    Injuries are inevitable, they are shitty and usually they’re not worth it.
    While in the army I remember being taught and later on teaching “Never shoot anyone unless its to save your own or especially someone else’s life”.
    Same goes to fighting.

  11. “Jacked man”….”taking a beating”… “fight the dude off”… fuck. It’s time for me to put down reddit…

  12. If you’re not down to fight, get some pepper spray to go on your key chain.

  13. Throat punch. No arguing. No raising your voice. No getting in each other’s faces. Just walk up and throat punch. Or kick them in the dick

  14. You’re supposed to politely tell him to back off before getting folded.

  15. Get her away from the danger. If you want to protect her just get her out of there, not engage with the aggressor.

  16. Harassing her? Do you mean inappropriate remarks? If so, and if it’s a public place like a bar or a restaurant or whatever, you can probably complain to the manager and have him kicked out. Lacking that, just move away from him and go somewhere else.

  17. Its her job to reject such approaches. As a civilized men if the guy insist she or you can always call the police or move to some other place.

    There’s no reason to fight anyone in real life even if you happen to be a black belt in some martial arts and jacked use the proper channels of the law and leave the fighting for when your life is in danger.

  18. So I thought about an interesting way to handle this if he’s like, huge and strong and whatnot.

    Let’s say he smacks your girls butt or something, you go “oh papi it’s a fair trade let’s feel that cock” and approach but obvi not violently. And I also think the best way is to approach backwards while twerking towards him. Because if he’s so angry and violent he just attack/ you, it would happens anyways if you fought him (turn your damn head and look back btw so you can see the punch coming).

    Often, those kind of tough guys actually usually don’t sucker punch as it’s seen as cowardly. So then basically try to back that ass up on him while saying some nasty shit like how you want to eat his ass till he shits in your mouth. I think he’d then call you names and leave.

    Worst case, fight happens anyways .

    If your girl appreciates humour and messing with ppl, it’s not as good as if you beat him up, but it’s waaaay better to get the laugh then get your ass beat infront of her.

  19. it depends on what is happening and how long this has gone on. It usually helps to de-escalate this by talking early. The early questions is there something going on here? Is there something that needs to be known? and getting involved and allows the GF to be a part of the process. If she says yeah he is harassing me then you can begin to let him know what is up. Also at this time you should be assessing the zone – is he alone, are their friends with him? What are the exits if needed, You should begin to focus on your breath and preparing for what happens next.

    Then you can try the verbal process of stepping in. Realize most guys that are jacked like Arnold are not in the idea of messing up their lives. It usually the skinny guy in a button down shirt, and vans that is going to jump the fight process. Why – usually he does not have much on the process and feels he is going to gain something, and usually has a gaggle of friends that will jump in. This is where if you are at a venue to can use your voice to call attention to the situation and let people know this guy is up to something. Idea being suns out the phones are out. Get the witness that no one can deny.

    Usually at this point – with witnesses and phones out most will walk away. Even the gaggle of friends usually grab their boy and bounce. There are the few that will not give a damn but they are usually drunk or high, and if you are not you can have a good time. Seen some great knock outs with a guy who was sober put the beating on a drunk.

  20. Women are perfectly capable of defending and speaking up for themselves. Most of the time, you’re embarrassing them by starting a confrontation she doesn’t want.

  21. Everyone is different in those situations. Some people aren’t afraid of getting hit, some people are afraid of getting hit but will stand up and say something just on principle.

    I have older brothers so I grew up taking beatings. I don’t go around starting fights, but I have a hard time backing down because they don’t really scare me.

  22. I would put myself between them, if I”m the one getting beaten up but she’s safe then mission accomplished, what’s the alternative? Let him continue? (Assuming that if we just walk away he will follow and continue to harass her)

  23. This depends. Your girlfriend could get you killed.

    If she does not know when to shut up or caused the problem. Then you can end up like that man in the Steelers Game whose wife was talking sh*t and he got knocked out because of it.

    If you do not come to her defence then she WILL lose attraction for you. If you do come to her defence then you might die or get seriously injured.

    You have to ask yourself if she is worth it.
    There are ways to in a non violent manner confront the issue. By proving that she is already taken. Kisses and overt public displays of effection. Or try to reason with him and make sure that she leaves the area. that or physically make her leave.

    There are plenty of things to fight over. Girls aren’t one of them. Not anymore.

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