Hi reddit. I am a bit confused about the situation with my boyfriend. We are together for 2 months and it got pretty serious since the beginning of it. We moved in together last week and have a lot of future plans (getting a car together, adopting a cat, etc). I love him
very much and he says he does too.

When it all got started he was pretty depressed about his past breakup (happened over a half a year ago).
Before we started dating he told me the whole story about the breakup(it was his ex’s decision). I realized the risks and said that I’ll support him no matter what. A couple weeks after we started dating.

After one month the mentions of his ex in our conversation got lesser and lesser than before. Then tonight before we went to sleep he got moody and said that he misses some moments with her. To be more correct, certain place brought up memories and it made him upset. He also said that he feels guilty.

As I mentioned before I’Il be supportive and I reacted in a calm manner. What shall I do? I keep focusing on myself and I want to have both great personal life and relationship. just want him to feel better. I know for a
fact that his ex would not date him again.

TL;DR! : my (f21) boyfriend (m21) after two months of dating said that he still is affected by the memories of his past relationship over a half a year ago.

  1. Sounds like he is not truly over her. Maybe take a break, move out and let him clear his mind? I dunno I’m just afraid you’d be hurt as the rebound. It seems like a red flag that it’s moving so quickly too. Like he is forcing himself to move on when he might not be ready

  2. Why is he comfortable telling you he essentially misses his ex (yes yes he said he misses some *moments with her* but that’s semantics, he misses her and he told you that)?

    Sure most other comments will likely focus on how he should not be moving in with you while he’s not over his ex, but honestly I’m more stuck on his actually *telling you*. Seems disrespectful and unaware.

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