I(18 M) recently got into a fresh relationship with a sweet girl I met and instantly clicked with about 3 months ago. We would hang out a lot since we met and every time I’m with her it feels nice and natural. I really like this girl. I know maybe over exaggerating it but I feel like my feelings grow more for her every time I’m with her. I’ve had previous “talking stages”, but I realized that I’m not sure if I really wanted a relationship with any of them. We go on dates and mini-dates somewhat frequently. We mainly just do what we need to do in the day together. I’m not always with her, we go short periods(days-week) without seeing her than with her most of the day for about 3-4 days.

Summer is starting and I’m going to get a job soon so my question is what are ways I can keep the relationship healthy and up for the summer before school starts again and I’ll be able to see her frequently again. We’ve been making it work for the summer so far since school ended. I know we’ll still make it work to where we hang out with each and go on dates. I just want to see if there is any advice moving forward. As said before this is my first relationship and I’ve really been enjoying it so far. We’re both growing mentally each time we hang out. I don’t really have experience with all of this but I’m growing every day! I’m also new to reddit this is my first post!


I’ve recently got into my first relationship. We hang out very frequently but are used to not being able to see each other too. Any advice for the summer since I’m going to start working soon?

  1. Hi OP, it sounds like you two have something great going on! I would recommend the good old fashioned concept of “work-life balance”. If you set aside quality time to spend together when you’re not at work, it should make her feel special (and your time together may even feel more valuable). Make plans together for when you’re both free, and stick to them. It’s always fun to try something new together, so maybe you can set plans to try a new activity, while also enjoying casual quality time together (maybe having a meal or watching a movie). Reminding her that she and your work are both important to you is a good way to maintain the balance. Maybe try looking into each other’s love languages so you can maximize how to spend your time together (or apart). Good luck!

  2. Speaking with a couple’s counselor could help. Yeah I know people typlically see them when things are going wrong, but you can do it also to help bolster what you have. They can help teach you things about maintaining a relationship while also balancing other aspects of your lives.

  3. Take time away from each other. My bf and I would be happy spending every moment together. We live four miles apart and our children are grown, so we’re free to spend every evening and night together.

    He has some out of town commitments and my children are home for the summer, so we’ve had to spend some nights apart. I hated that at first but remind myself it is healthy to spend some time apart.

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