There’s a girl I am interested in and I am pretty sure she is interested in me too the only thing is that we barely have enough time to interact with each other when we see each other and we do not know each other very well. I want to ask her out but am unsure if I should just straight out say “would you like to go on a date” or “would you like to get some coffee together on\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_?”

Some people say “you have to make your intentions clear or friendzone etc” but isn’t saying “would you like to get some coffee together on\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_?” clear enough?

  1. I’d tell her I want to take her out, I like to be very clear as there’s no room for ambiguity, “I wanna take you out on a date, how about you let me take you for a drink”

  2. If your not mature/brave enough to say “I would like to take you on a date” then maybe your not really ready to date

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