So for context, I have had some trauma which essentially left me with attachment issues. Im terrified of people abandoning me or hating me. Over the last years of high school I started working a lot and would often miss events or hangouts. Now that I am done with work and school I have come back to my friend group fragmented and have no idea where to go.

I haven’t been invited out many times and honestly think they all hate me.

Their is one person that invites me out but I think I am to clingy and that they hate me because of it. (They are inviting me to events with their friendgroup that I dont know that well.) IDK anymore

Sprinkle in some mood swings and now I go from, O everything will be ok to O I want to kill myself

Anyways my issue is, do i completely stop attempting to go out and stop asking for invites. (Making me less clingy/uncomfortable to be around)

Or keep going and fully embrace the new friendgroup over the summer?

  1. Don’t over think. If you’re getting invited, go. If there is someone or people you want to hang out with ask them!

  2. I think you meed to speak to a professional. Please seek some guidance on having a healthier state of mind. I’m sure your friends are happy to hang again, you are holding yourself back.

  3. You don’t get invited to things because you don’t do things. People often make future plans while hanging out. You can’t expect to be invited to new things when you aren’t doing current things.

  4. When you stop hanging out with people, they tend to stop inviting you. I think you need to see a therapist. I also think you shouldn’t necessarily wait for an invitation. You can issue an invitation as well. Be proactive.

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