Do you find it weird if someone says to u that they don’t use insta or fb? Whenever I say so, they give me questionable looks as if I’m lying to them. It’s not like I’m giving excuses to avoid them. I quitted using social media last year. So, why’d I be lying to them. Is it too hard to believe that people still choose to stay away from social media in this modern era?

  1. I’d be impressed, but yeah people do seem to find it strange if someone doesn’t use social media. It’s just so expected for everyone to be on it.

  2. Good for you! This may get downvoted a lot but There is a lot of science showing social media is bad for mental health and spreads misinformation. Most productive people I know stay away and do wonderful things with that time. Also important to be present in the world, which is hard to do if you are looking at a device. If you have any desire to excel at something, you should focus on that because it takes a lot of time to get good.

  3. In my experience they are people that are out of the loop about what their friends are doing.

  4. I stopped using Insta 2 years ago and when i was offline for a few days one of my friend called me and
    said what do you do when you’re free

  5. I would respect you a lot more, but that’s just me. At least if you quit social media to focus on your personal goals and health etc.

  6. I don’t use social media anymore and I’ve definitely have gotten mixed reactions. I’ve heard on multiple occasions the remark “what’s the point of living then” which just blew my mind. In one instance I mentioned lack of privacy as one of the reasons but mostly I avoid it because it really messes with my mental health.
    On other hand I also have gotten reactions such as “That’s great, it takes strong will to do that, etc.”.
    Honestly, I don’t really see the value of using them. Like, what’s the point? Facebook is a misinformation central, twitter is toxic as hell, instagram is a hotspot for young adults and teens to get depressed, and suicidal from comparing themselves to other people’s highlights, I won’t even bother with tik tok.. I still use YouTube which I’m trying to cut down as well because it can be a time sucker if not managed.
    I’m glad to hear when someone either doesn’t use it or uses it only a little. For me it signals that people actually are doing something, rather than just endlessly scrolling on timelines and arguing about random stuff. That’s obviously not a given, that person could still be just playing video games 24/7.
    But where we are heading, it definitely will stand out more and more as time passes, I think.

  7. Please don’t hate me for this…😬

    But when someone (adult) tells me they don’t have ANY social media, immediately think 1) they have no friends and probably some social issues (which is a red flag in my book), or 2) they are hiding something (past…present…etc), or 3) mental health issues that are affected by what they see in the media

  8. I’m pretty sure reddit counts as social media.

    If you don’t have a facebook; you’re going to be out of the loop. Recently I had a friend announce his father’s funeral via Facebook. It makes sense why: it is an easy way to convey that information without having to contact every person.

    How much you engage and how much you let it influence you are very different. I barely post anything. I don’t argue with anyone. Facebook is mostly a means of contact and a way to stay somewhat in the know. Even then, I miss stuff.

  9. I deleted my instagram 5 years ago and I am supper happy. Society is full of fake people trying to flex online. Makes me nauseous. I only use twitter sometimes.

  10. I have known three people who aren’t on social media. All have severe mental health issues. The two I don’t talk to any more aren’t on it because they overshared and caused drama on social media during manic episodes. One of them, once she got off social media started sending pages of mass text telling us in detail about the mental health patients. It wasn’t ethical nor was blasting every one via text appreciated. The other one I still talk to has social anxiety and I’m one of three people she talks to. She’s also very depressed. Oh I forgot about the ex who wasn’t on social media because when he cheated on his ex she blasted it on social media.

    So yeah, I do tend to jump to what is wrong with a person when I hear they aren’t on social media because of past experience.

  11. Nobody ever believes me either😂😂😂 felt like I was losing my mind just scrolling and scrolling through so much bullshit🤦🏽‍♂️

  12. It’s a little less shocking than it used to be back in the late 2000’s when social media was a brand new concept.

    Most people I know that don’t use much social media (me included) do so to escape all the crazy politics and endless toxicity.

  13. I’m halfies on this. I have socmed accounts but I don’t add anyone there, even my friends. So I straight up just tell the person I’m with that I have socmed accounts purely for login purposes and I don’t really add anyone as friends. Most seem to understand, since they know I’m not one to post shit on socmed anyway.

    Except on Reddit 😉 hahaha

  14. Well, most of my friends are like that. Only a small portion has instagram or other “newer” things, some have FB but idk if I know anyone who actually uses it. I have become addicted again lately but seek to cut my usage. So I love that for them and wish to be the same.

    Idk if it’s different in the US for example, but all around Europe I meet people like me quite often. And I haven’t really witnessed anyone expressing I was weird when I didn’t use social media some years ago. Or maybe I just don’t attract that kinda people.

  15. I’ve never used social media. Ppl are understandably surprised at it, but that’s bout it. You sure you’re not reading into the looks ppl give you? I’ve just never used it n always been open about the fact I don’t and never had anyone have any issue with it.

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