I’m not talking about letting shampoo drip down to your feet and calling it a day after you spray it off with water.
How often do you actually scrub down there ?

  1. LOL like every 3rd shower honestly, i do not get on my knees so I’m good

  2. Pretty much every time. It’s not like it takes long.

    We all know anywhere skin touches skin gets the nastiest. That’s why “the critical spots” wash is pits, ass, crotch. But somehow that leaves out between your toes. No wonder so many people have stanky ass feet when they leave them to fester like that.

  3. Every time I shower. If I have the opportunity I take additional food baths as well.

  4. Legs? Never, hot water works fine, and I’m perfectly clean after a shower. I can imagine some feet might have bacterial build up and require some care, but scrubbing clean legs is pointless. Sweat is water soluble, so unless you’ve been rolling around in dirt, you’re wasting your time and possibly hurting your skin depending on the soap. You basically just need to worry about armpits and groin, because warmth and moisture are heaven for smelly bacteria.

  5. Unless you want husky crust that you called a foot…

    Everything you wash, Nasty.

  6. Daily, I scrub head to toe. Not one of those “just let it trickle down” kind of guys

  7. Every single time. It’s part of my body, so why shouldn’t I wash it as well?

    Or are people that inflexible to do that?

  8. Almost never. Only if I have a particularly large amount of dirt on those body parts.

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