I’m hitting it off with this very attractive man. He is so fucken fine, I almost want to end things now. He is also absolutely the sweetest

I get nervous that I would always be the ugly duckling, or that he would cheat on me or something. He’s just way too attractive yo.

What’s your experience with dating someone who is a very pretty person.

  1. You just gotta remember that if this person chose you out if literally EVERYONE else and actively proves you can trust him, then there’s nothing to worry about.

  2. My ex of 5 years was stunning. It was great at the time, however now I believe that I will never date someone so beautiful and that really fucking gets to me. All the women I’ve dated since don’t compare. Obviously looks aren’t everything, but me and my ex also got on really well! Can’t find that in other women either.

  3. My ex was so fine that people used to stop me in the middle of the street sometimes and ask me if I was rich and I would have to tell them. No she’s just cheap

  4. Don’t date someone you’re insecure about. If they make you insecure you can’t fully enjoy the relationship.

  5. He was an arrogant jerk who knew he was hot. I didn’t have to worry about *if* he’d dump me, but when. So I wanted him while I could have him.

    However, your guy sounds like a sweetheart! Your fears are understandable, but it would be a shame to let insecurity ruin what could be a good relationship. I think the more you get to know him, the less you’ll concentrate on his looks. Pretty people are still people, and if he’s really into you, he won’t dump you for the next floozy who walks by just because he can.

  6. The looks are cool for a minute like a new gift. But then it all comes down to chemistry. Also, after a while you get used to their looks.

  7. I have contrary experience. I dated one of the most good looking girl last year and she had wits+ good financials too. Though I was skeptical and my doubts proved right just shortly after.
    I am not against dating too attractive person, but care must be taken not to get enchanted by looks that you oversee red flags.

  8. the problem is that every new one is gonna feel like a downgrade in terms of physical appearance

  9. Enjoy. Most people will have to date multiple people before marrying the final one, might as well enjoy a really good looking one as one of the ones. If it ends, it’s one of those relationships lessons. If he’s the final one, his good looks are just bonus on top. Either way, enjoy!!

  10. I wouldn’t put it like ‘he chose you’, he isn’t a demi-god or something, just a guy ?! You both agreed to see each other, it’s not him bestowing his magnanimity upon mere mortals.

    Careful not to overlike him based on looks only. It’s quite common in good looking people to be superficial and self-absorbed, since everyone has given them preferential treatment and liked them by default. Don’t get into this pitfall.

    My experience with dating attractive guys or super successful ones (had those too, once a guy has money and a solid career that’s even more effective than looks, from what I’ve seen) has been equal to the one I had dating ‘normal’ guys. I surely got to have more interesting or fun experiences in some cases, but I always held these men to the *same standards to which I hold everyone.* In my case looks or money aren’t as important as character, values, personality and most importantly, how they treat me.

  11. All of my girlfriends have been much better looking than me. Guys would always hit on them but for whatever reason they chose to be with me. Good enough for me. Congrats that you found someone who is not superficial and chose you for who you are. Be happy and be good to him like you should be regardless of looks.

  12. Yes I have dated an unbelievably attractive man. When he would kiss me and tell me how pretty he thought I was I literally thought I was dreaming. Couldn’t believe it was happening.

  13. You want to sabotage a perfectly good relationship because you’re worried that your partner is too good for you? Does that really sound reasonable? I think you need to give him more credit. He mad a conscious decision to be with you.

  14. >What’s your experience with dating someone who is a very pretty person.

    Be secure

    Don’t be unsecure

  15. This is how I felt, you just need to keep telling yourself you’re worthy to avoid putting him on a pedestal. And do NOT say stuff like “you’re out of my league” because then he might actually start to think it

  16. I dated a girl who was way out of my league. It went great until it didnt. Just like any other relationship, so dont worry too much and at least see where and how it goes

  17. Yes, and we’re still together. It’s funny because he is actively hit on in public with or without me constantly, but he’s very humble. I am entertained how good looking he is, it’s like a super power. Just don’t put him on a pedestal, my boyfriend has a lot of flaws like anyone else, including me.

  18. I kinda feel like this about my girlfriend. We’ve been together for 7 years, 8 years next month and planning to get married soon. She is gorgeous, I can’t help but feel inappropriate when I look at her even when she calls me handsome, hot, etc almost on a daily basis and is nothing but loving, caring, loyal and respectful. I know I’m not bad looking myself but, hell, I can’t help but wonder what did I ever do to deserve such a hell of a good partner?

  19. If life gives you lemon, make lemonade then.

    Would you reject a 1 million dollars donation because it’s a lot od money for you?

    If life gives you something hold on to it with your teeth and never let it go.

    So what he is more attractive than you? Be confident and enjoy it while it lasts, if he feels that you can’t handle his hotness, some less good looking girl would craaaave the position you’re in and pickpocket him out of you.

  20. Girl he chose you because he sees something in you that you’re clearly not seeing in yourself calling yourself ugly duckling lol you’re pretty too maam

  21. You have to accept the fact that you might only be able to fuck. You probably wont lock him down

  22. One I dated a very beautiful Ukrainian girl who got heads turning walking down the street. It didn’t work out 🙂

  23. Pretty people don’t get approached so he is probably as nervous as you, if not more. Chill

  24. I dated a girl in college that was a complete smoke show, waaay above what I’d normally attract. I knew it, I realized it, but I was thankfully not going to self-sabotage over that and just rolled with it.

    She ended up moving and we lost touch over time, but yeah, I’ve flown too close to the sun.

    I may have my faults, but the last thing I’m going to do is let my insecurity become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If they’re with me, they like what I’m about, that’s fine. I’ll keep the doubts waaaay back in the closet.

    As life/luck would have it, most of my dates/partners/ex wife were attractive, but not model-grade beautiful, and that’s just fine with me too.

    As Albert Brooks said, your wife should only be good looking enough to turn you on, everything above that is trouble. Lol.

  25. My ex is a model and she is VERY attractive when I wasn’t with her she would text me when guys try to hit on her. At first, I was like wow but it wore off because we spend enough time seeing each other at our worst, like imagine this hot woman who is all over my chubby self comes to my house, eats all my ice cream and proceeds to blow up my bathroom because she is lactose-intolerant. attractive people are human too, no different. Things didn’t work out due to distance and my new girl is like an accountant, she may not be a model but she is so sexy to me and I feel way more attracted to her than my ex because she treats me with respect and compromises for me.

    Looks are nice but they aren’t everything, if that is all you focus on too don’t be surprised if your relationship turns into the Shallow Olympics where your only value is YOUR looks because that’s all your invested in. Get to know him as a person I have had those experiences where women like me physically but that’s all they care about and if I’m dating for a relationship you might get benched, he may be hot but find out if you have the same views if you can compromise if you actually care about his personality beyond the looks but if he will treat you right.

  26. In my experience it’s better to date someone of equal attraction or at least close to it. Too hot and you’re just stuck wondering if you’re good enough.

  27. He could be oblivious to his attractiveness. You could be too for that matter.

  28. I’m insane over my boyfriend of 19 months. He’s the most amazingly gorgeous person I’ve ever seen in my life and I’m told all the time how attractive he is. I’m also his first girlfriend at 30 and 33 (he did not think he would ever have a relationship, he thought he was totally asexual and he’s a bit nomadic) and we are equally obsessed with each other.

    I trust him entirely, and yeah I feel like an ugly duckling sometimes but end of the day he wants to be with me, he thinks I look as amazing as I think he looks (though I get less outside confirmation than he does, haha. Some, but less) and we get along so well – the important thing is id love him just as much if he had a face like a foot.

    Don’t let him get away with things because he’s pretty. If you wouldn’t stand for something from him if he were ugly to you, don’t let it slide because you’re afraid of losing the prettiness or not getting another pretty guy.

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