EDIT ; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_Broderick

TLDR; Betty killed her husband after she had been supporting him for his entire career. He cheated on her after 20+ years of marriage, he gaslit her for a long time, tried to divorce her for the other woman making the process extremely messy and excruciating- she killed them both.

  1. I have no idea who that is.

    Edit: Based on your edit – I don’t really have any thoughts or feelings about her. Sadly, this kind of killing isn’t that uncommon. It sounds they were both poor partners for each other, she was or became mentally/emotionally unstable, and the nasty divorce took a toll on her. She committed murder and was tried and sentenced for that. It sounds like she received an appropriate sentence for her crimes and won’t have another opportunity for parole until 2032 when she’ll be 84.

  2. I think she snapped. I think he did everything in his power to screw her over (but literally!) and she snapped. It doesn’t excuse her, but it makes it easier to understand.

  3. I think she might have been a little crazy but that’s pretty much how it played out in the tv program I saw. Who knows what the truth is. At the end of the day she murdered them.

  4. While I don’t think murdering her ex husband and second wife was the right call, there’s no denying that what he did to her was wrong. There’s only so much crap people can put up with. It’s easy to say as an outsider to just divorce and move on but it seems like she suffered quite the emotional abuse and it didn’t seem like she had any support network.

  5. He was a major asshole but she’s the murderer. Sometimes you have to just walk away and cut your losses but she decided to kill 2 people and that’s not cool.

  6. He was a total scheming ass hole. But she went too far. She should have kept her shit together and kept fighting him in court. He tried to railroad her.

  7. Meh. Yeah I believe she helped build his life, but she was unreasonable about so much during divorce. Control was what she wanted, even more than money. Women are replaced by a younger version all the time. Most don’t shoot their children’s father.

    Yes I also believe he pulled strings and played dirty, to what extent, not sure. The law should be applied to all, even lawyers with connections. Service of documents and notifications of court hearings are part of due process.

    But revenge is not best served by murder. Revenge is let yourself mourn it, deal with it (therapy is ok) and then go make a new life. It could have possibly been the new and nest chapter yet. But she never let herself find out, at least not as a free woman.

    And the things she put her kids through was simply selfish too. If you truly want what’s best for kids, you co-parent civilly. Leaving those messages and tearing up her own kids home just because Linda lived there too, is hideous. Yes adultery in beginning but be mad at hubby. Well you can be mad at both, but hubby took a vow, owed loyalty; Linda really owed her nothing.

    Dan was a part of the boys club in the legal world. A lot of what he did was totally unethical as a lawyer, but legal as a private citizen. He just happened to know the ins and outs. I would have sued his lawyers for violation of due process and whatever code of conduct charges I could find. Lawyers have a serious ethical code to abide by, rules of conduct and most everything a lawyer does, must be done in good faith. She should have screamed loud enough for someone to catch wind. Some lawyer out there itching to land a high profile case, even if it means taking on the best.

    In conclusion, I understand why she felt trapped. But she let anger, revenge and scorn dictate her response. She had other ways to go about things and she choose the wrong one.

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