I’m in my mid twenties. I feel much more confident and independent when I’m at work or at university. I mean when I go out alone. But when I go out with my mum, I still feel like I’m mummys little girl. It changes how I act, how I express myself. I don’t know why I feel like this. Maybe it’s due my mum was always overprotective towards me and it made me insecure. But It feels like people perceive me like little girl too, when I’m with my mum. How can I avoid these feelings and be more confident and indepedent when I’m with my mum?

1 comment
  1. You need to set boundaries and try to get out of your comfort zone. First step is acknowledging the problem which you already did. Be more independent, dont let her pay for you when you go out. Order for yourself, dont let her make your appointments. When you have an issue don’t go to her to solve it, try to solve it yourself. Im 21 and my mom still calls me a baby and tries to cut my steak. I had to sit her down and tell her that i know she sees me as her baby and i always will but im growing up and i need to learn to be independent for my own growth.

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