What made you feel like it’s the right thing? If you ever have married the wrong person first, what was the difference?

  1. We were really good at communicating with each other, even through disagreements/arguments we were always able to communicate our side without issues and always apologized and ended the convo with I love yous. Also I would literally get butterflies everytime we kissed or were together. After 2 years of marriage they have faded a bit, but I still have days of just looking at him and feeling on top of the world. It helps that he is also one of the nicest, most honest person I know.

  2. I was married to my first husband just under 8 years (we were married in July and broke up in May), together 8.5 years and I’ve been married to my partner just shy of 7 years, together 10 years next month.

    With my ex I married them for reasons that weren’t them. Like I wanted to go to college and couldn’t get financial aid because my parents made too much but weren’t helping me go to school. I was 18 and thought being married made me “winning” at life or something, like it was something to check off a list. I didn’t like myself so I thought being married proved I was worthy. He married me for a lot of the same reasons. It wasn’t me he was marrying but a concept. I actually said no the first time but he kept explaining why I should and eventually I said yes.

    With my partner I didn’t need them. They didn’t provide anything or physically make my life better. They were my best friend, the person I could count on for anything, who I wanted to share everything with. I didn’t need them but I couldn’t imagine not waking up to them every day. I am a whole, complete, person and so are they. We don’t need each other but we want each other. We could divorce tomorrow and we would both be fine, but we chose to be together because it’s our happy place

  3. I came in from work and my girlfriend at the time gave me the most amazing news. She was pregnant.

    I said two things:

    That’s amazing. Will you marry me?

  4. When I saw my future wife I knew she was the one. I didn’t know her name or said a word to her but my heart just melt. It took me three painful years to win her over. We have been together for 26 years and married for 25.

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