Inquiring minds would like to know.

  1. I mean if they’re dating you I would assume it’s more than game. Unless you’re just jumping into relationships usually they have to put some work in.

    But there also is a difference in being in love and loving someone. Like you can stop being in love with someone but still love them

    I think love isn’t the point but you’re asking are they in it for the long haul. And to that no one knows. Just hope for the best I guess

  2. Does he enhance your life or is nothing but drama? How does he act around you? How does he treat you? Is he more concerned on his needs than yours?

    There are so many questions that can be asked and answered. Basically how do you think he should act? Is he acting that way?

    If he is just coming and going, most likely your a convenience while he looks for another. I get your point to keep trying, but seriously where do you draw the line?

  3. You don’t question it because you *know*, just it’s obvious. His words and his actions consistently line up.

  4. I’ve never been about playing the game, so I don’t know much about that mindset. But I know that when I truly love a woman, it’s really important (and easy) for me to just make her a priority. And I’ve found that small things make a huge difference.

    i.e. knowing what her favorite flavor donut is and randomly bring one home from after work. Or bringing something up that she’s been working on/struggling with (like a project, not an insecurity) and ask how it’s going.

    I think if you’re always the one that has to bring up anything to do with yourself, they’re probably only there for themselves.

  5. Men express emotions through actions not words. Are you the one he comes home to? Takes care of? protects and provides for?

    Yeah he might smash a random girl every now and then but you’re the one he actually loves and commits to, building something with.

  6. The way I look at it, if she’s the type to sleep around, she’s likely picked a guy who is there for that reason.

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