Me and this girl were texting and on ft for a couple of hours talking to each other about our lives, what’s going on and how we feel about each other. After she left ft for an hour to charge her phone i said we should do the same tomorrow, but then she said “sure”. Now it may not seem like a big deal, but in my mind that sounds like a hell no. I might be overreacting, but there was a lot of engagement when we were talking together but that “sure” really threw me off, makes me think that she’s not that into me. Am i overreacting or am i right to feel like this?

  1. Several hours of texting and FaceTime two days in a row is way too much for many people. Is there a reason you can’t plan a date and get to know her in small doses instead?

  2. Please don’t read too much into one word. That particular word has multiple contradictory meanings. I suggest asking for clarification.

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