
“So, you’re just another one of those “gonna send a message”, a hero who calls themselves a villain, or maybe a villain who calls themselves the hero, and look what your message ended on, at my feet, you don’t have what it takes to be the bad guy, and since you’re a good guy now…sayonara” or something like that

  1. This doesn’t make any sense no matter in what context I read it. Who I am speaking to? The greater evil? The heroes?

  2. You wanna know how I got where I am? I understood what’s evil in this world and when I tried to point it out they laughed at me calling me a nut job saying I’m an idiot so I pointed at them shown them evidence, didn’t help but then I realized how to make listen and believe me show them the evil that lies within by murdering and becoming a villain to show them the error of their ways but I in turn became what I swore to destroy, that’s the point don’t you get it? Being a real hero makes you a villain but you wouldn’t get it you’re just a two bit thug that people think help them

  3. “Good show old boy, but I’m afraid I can’t let you take my victory away from me before it’s even begun. The world is mine for the taking, and I’m afraid that means I must take your life as well… Shame. You would have made a wonderful henchmen.” *Bang.*

  4. Monologues are for the stupid. Dead men don’t care what your last words were.

  5. You wanna know how I got where I am? I understood what’s evil in this world and when I tried to point it out they laughed at me calling me a nut job saying I’m an idiot so I pointed at them shown them evidence, didn’t help but then I realized how to make listen and believe me show them the evil that lies within by murdering and becoming a villain to show them the error of their ways but I in turn became what I swore to destroy, that’s the point don’t you get it? Being a real hero makes you a villain but you wouldn’t get it you’re just a two bit thug that people think help them

  6. Every villain in every James Bond movie can tell you not to monologue, just kill.

  7. If it weren’t for my horse, I never would have spent that year in college.

    Now the big bad is dumbfounded by the statement and aware of how he lost to someone who could utter an incomprehensible statement. Or they know the Lewis black bit

  8. I’d simply say “Vae victus.”

    Latin for “Woe to the conquered.”

    Then I’d kill the bigger baddy.


    The heroes will get pissed off because they know i lied and the other evil will get pissed of because he may think i’m serious about this

    Boom everyone’s pissed off besides me

  10. No monologue. It just gives them time to try something. “When you get to Hell, don’t save me a seat. I’m not coming anytime soon” and pull the trigger.

  11. “I picked my ass with this finger….AND NOW I’M GONNA TOUCH YOU”

    …Cmon…at least bring a lil horror into their soon to be shortened lives.

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