What is your favorite interior design style/ aesthetic?

  1. Old hippy velvet couches stained glass windows silk brocade drapes lace curtains real linen sheets Turkish towels silk robes insense mood lighting sculptures painting framed photos real Persian rugs hand carved antique cool coffee and side tables music going all the time jazz blues folk classical depending on the day sari fabric draped across the ceiling real lead crystal drops in the chandalier you found at that one estate sale. Handmade quilts on the beds, a collection of Pacific northwest native art, agates and crystals you found at that old abandoned quarry, the many potted plants a Buddha or two beeswax candles flowers from the garden in vases in every room of the house. Homemade scratch chili on the stove homemade bread in the oven green salad

  2. Mid century modern, but the most important thing is for it to be eclectic enough that I can seamlessly sub in chairs that are actually *comfortable.*

    More specifically: I love wood. Dark wood detailing is my favorite, but too much feels oppressive in the home so I pair it with light woods and a lot of glass. I like furniture that plays with geometry without being too flashy, pieces that make a house into a home without being ostentatious by themselves.

    I like travel-themed bookends and impressionist prints on walls, of white curtains blowing in the breeze, of my late grandpa’s model ships sailing on random shelves throughout the house, of a basket of yarn waiting to be knit.

  3. Midcentury atomic bomb futurism. I want that full on camp sunken living room wood paneling weird circular walls with gaudy wallpaper and fabulous fabric prints that make you think “mom is doing just the right amount of daydrinking”. Literal dream. Charles Schridde kinda stuff.

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