This is very long, and badly written so I highly doubt any one is gonna read this, but it’s also kind of me venting so here goes nothing.

I just stated college last year and it was great for me, I had a group of 4 friends that I loved hanging out with, and being with them always made me happy, but we were only friends for 2 months and then some stuff happend and now I only hang out with one or two of them very occasionally.

The rest decided to stop talking to me and started being friends with other people.

I had already made a post on another account telling the whole thing, and people advised me not to talk them again, which is the right thing to do since one of them ghosted me, and the other didn’t put any effort into the friendship, so basically being friends with them again is out of the picture.

Of course everyone advised me to work on my self, find better friends and forget about the old ones, which is all solid advice and is what I’m trying to do, but it’s been so hard mentally and it’s making me really depressed.

Trying to make new friends is so difficult since everyone is in an established group already, and when trying to join I’m always looked at as an outsider and people don’t put any effort back into talking to me although I’m pretty decent at making conversation.

Also all the established groups are either so cocky, or even if I could I wouldn’t want to be a part of them since they aren’t the nicest people, or we aren’t like minded at all, and my ex friends being a part of some of them makes it even more difficult.

I really put in all the effort into being friendly, and being nice to people, but at the end of the day I’m always alone and I can’t help but notice my old friends in their other groups having fun, and being all together without me.

I absolutely hate having no one to hang out with, and having to go home early while all the other groups are still out having fun makes me feel like I’m missing out, and also has been making me very depressed since I’m quite extroverted and having no one to talk to or hang out with makes me very drained.

I’ve been trying to work on my self, by finding new hobbies, going to the gym and so on, but no matter what I do all that’s on my mind is that I’m alone and have no one to talk to after I’m done.

While going home today I realised I just started finals week and that the first year is almost done, so the fact I have no friends or people to talk and hangout with during the summer break absolutely crushed me.

Also my girlfriend broke up with the same month my friendships ended so all of a sudden I went from being loved, having nice friends and always enjoying my self into being almost completely alone with 0 people to talk or vent to.

How do I stop feeling upset that I lost my old friends, and not be jealous of them, and how do I start to forget about them, it’s been around two months since it all happend and I still haven’t gotten over losing my friends or my girlfriend.

I really don’t want the rest of my college years to be all like this, it feels like I’m wasting my life away in my room while all the others are having a blast.

Once finals are over after a week or two there will be a 3 months summer break where I have no friends, how should I go about things.

1 comment
  1. Are you in a club activity? Maybe you can look for friends there. Definitely join one if you havent!

    Its definitely hard to fit into an existing group, so its normally better to pick up your own friends.

    Start hanging out in a cafe near your campus where you might see other students that may or may not be from your class.

    Good luck!

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