What drives you crazy about your other half ?
What would you change about your relationship ?

I need to vent and feel vents ….

  1. His job. I understand it affords us a very generous lifestyle money wise, but I would love it if he applied himself using his mind instead of his body. He has nothing to prove to anyone, and his body has more than enough scar tissue.

  2. Not really a vent, and completely unrealistic. I wish my partner were much young than I am so he would have better odds of out living me.

  3. It would be great if he got along better with my friends. He doesn’t even really try to socialize.

  4. Wish he was a little more passionate. He’s very much a dude sometimes. Wish I got cute hand written notes. Or sweet long paragraphs about why he loves me and why I’m amazing. Wish he gazed lovingly into my eyes sometimes I would tell me I can’t wait to spend forever with you. Like that type of passion.

  5. My partner is amazing but he doesn’t really have a sense of time. He never knows what time it is or how long things take. He tends to severely underestimate how long things will take and how much he can get done in any given amount of timeS It can make planning anything really hard and he is always late. I am the exact opposite and an hyper aware of time. But he has been very open to making compromises so things work for both of us, which I am grateful for.

  6. Honestly..i wish he would just treat me like he actually likes me and wants me to stay in love with him💔

  7. It’s something about myself, and not my partner. I’d like to change the fact that I sometimes take my partner for granted.

  8. I wish he was vegan as well. He’s on board in our household, is okay with future children being plant based, helps with cooking, but he hasn’t taken the leap and made that consistent connection that the animals he eats outside our house had their lives ripped from them. I am grateful though for how far we’ve both come, and how much he knows and understands about the animal ag industry and how plant based diets benefit our health!

  9. I wish he liked to go more places. He’s such a homebody and would happily not leave home for weeks at a time if he had it his way. He loved lockdown. Whenever we go on a vacation he complains about us doing too much, even when we are doing nothing, because just being outside of our home feels like doing a thing.

  10. I wish I could get depression treated so I don’t risk ruining the relationship. I can feel myself slipping and I know he’s doing everything he can to keep my spirits up. I see it and I know it’s not sustainable. I’m afraid to lose him because of this.

    I’ve got therapy set up soon and I just want to be happy again.

  11. I would remove the ADHD. It’s so frustrating for my partner and sometimes for me, too.

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