What gives you “the ick”?

  1. If they sneeze/cough openly into the air and don’t cover their mouth

  2. The part in jackass 1 where they try to get paper cuts. I skip every time. Can’t do it.

  3. Walking into a bathroom and seeing skid marks on the toilet bowl. Can’t do it.

  4. Too many different noises going on at once.

    When someone is wearing a t-shirt that’s too small and there is a big belly overhang.

    When girls post really provocative photos on social media.

  5. This feels so mean to say but when guys try to be sexy in pictures.

    I’m straight and attracted to men and they can definitely be sexy – but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a “sexy” picture from a guy that didn’t make me cringe a little.

    It’s always so dick focused, trying too hard and over the top – I feel like it’s because they are using the male gaze on themselves and that’s just not attractive to a lot of women. They take pictures that would be more fitting for a gay magazine but they think I’m into that.

    Obviously I don’t tell them this and be polite but it honestly does lower my attraction and bring the ick a little bit.

    I much prefer voice notes, pictures of hands or neck or just using words.

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