I’m really afraid of being rejected, but not sure why it’s not bad

  1. I think it is associated with failure, and no one likes to fail. This fear of failure is why people fear rejection.

    but you have to realize failure is just a stepping stone to success.

  2. I associate rejection with people you actually have a crush on as closure and rejection with people you’re just meeting as a miss.

    That’s why I’m not nervous when trying to get with girls I barely know but when it comes to people who are closer then that’s a different story

  3. It’s not really rejection if she doesn’t really know you inside. She just rejected your presentation.

  4. Cuz it’s nothing about you. I’ve seen my idea of the virtually perfect man get called ugly by women and I have seen absolute wildebeests get girlfriends.

    You need to develop a healthy appreciation of yourself and know that you don’t need other people’s approval to be happy. Once you get to that level, rejection doesn’t mean anything

  5. It hurts for a littlebit, but you can move on pretty soon and forget them. If you never try you keep torturing yourself and wondering what might be.

  6. From my point of view, it teaches me everytime that it really isn’t the end of the world (although I learnt this the hard way hahah) buy it also made me realise what characteristics I didn’t like from myself in order to work on them and become the best verison of myself 🙂

  7. Do you know the saying, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take?”

    It’s not that rejection doesn’t feel bad, because it absolutely can, but it’s also the only way to know if they are interested. If you’re so scared by rejection that you never say anything, then you’ll probably never end up with them.

    Think of it this way, if your big fear is that they will say no, well that’s the same outcome as you not asking at all, right? You have nothing to lose by asking, and the confidence you gain can seriously be worth it.

  8. Cause it helps you move on, i dont know that’s what im always told.

    But also you shouldn’t be afraid, We all get rejected for many reason and sometimes the reasons are valid or absolute trash.

    But.. Either way you shouldn’t be afraid of rejection when it happens so much in our life, Even more than you think about.

  9. Most of the time people are operating from their own lens, own issues and baggage. People act out of this place far more often than I would like but it is what it is. Rejection isn’t personal even though it can feel that way. I’ve always valued the mantra: Rejection Is Redirection. AND why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you? That wouldn’t be the basis for a long term healthy relationship.

    Move on and learn what you can. Life is about experiences not perfection.

  10. Life isn’t easy and you’re going to hear 1000 no’s for every yes. The sooner you normalise this the sooner you’ll succeed

  11. Necessary growth to realize that you aren’t made for everyone, nor is everyone made for you, and also to be appreciative and pleased when you do find someone who wants you.

    Working out is bad. People fear it, hate it, it hurts, it’s uncomfortable, but there are absolutely benefits to your health, body, and mind.

    Rejection is just your interpersonal skills doing gym work.

    Of course you’re afraid of it, which makes it even more necessary. Grow up, embrace it.

  12. Helps us grow and understand that yes i got reject but i tryed its better to do than regret

  13. Because there’s people you would probably want to reject too. Is it necessarily bad you don’t want to be with someone?

  14. Because by experiencing it you come to realize its not the end of the world and you learn to de-catastrophize the experience of rejection, so you ultimately build improved courage and grow into a more confident person.

  15. Rejection does not reflect who you are. Rejection teach you how to pick yourself up and be more confident.

  16. Rejection does hurt, but it is as inevitable as death and taxes. The key is to remember that nobody is your “one chance” at love. If one person says no, keep trying till someone says yes.

  17. You never lose.

    You either win, or have a learning experience.

    I have been rejected so many times I lost count.

    But I learned from them and became a better person from all of them.

  18. Rejection is good thing. It means that either party(yes you can choose to reject as well) can put a stop to the courting process because they have found something they are not willing to put up with in a relationship. This is good because if the reason is ignored and the relationship establishes itself, it can be a special kind of hell.

  19. The part most people don’t understand, is when someone rejects you, it’s not because they are unsure, while half of the time is because of this reason. The other reason is because they are sure, they have developed enough self awareness that they see where you are in life and what you have to offer them, and see where they are in life and what they have to offer, and it doesn’t line up. This is EXTREMELY beneficial because it tells you exactly where you need to improve, and to add more to it, you’re not improving so that they will suddenly “see the light, even though sometimes it does happen, you will be prepared for when you meet someone else that attracts you in a similar way as the first person did. Only this time you stand a better chance, or depending on how much you improved can have a successful healthy relationship! Rejection to me is better than settling hands down 1000%

  20. Not everyone is going to fall for you. Every person has a ton of people that aren’t into them. Rejection is just knowing you can add them to that list. It’s not like lost potential, because if they aren’t interested, then it never would’ve worked out in the first place. Rejection is just learning that. It’s an oppurtunity to move on to people that will be interested.

  21. You have to go through the ups and downs to get what you want in the end. No one is going to give it to you.

    When you apply for a job, you have to submit an application and resume. You’ll probably go through a handful of rejections before getting an offer.

    When you apply for a college, specifically a dream school, you have to risk rejection or you’ll never know if you’ll get in.

    Likewise for dating. You have to risk rejection if you want to get that dream guy or girl. It’s part of the process and the sooner you can embrace it, the more success you will have.

    I knew one guy who is now happily married and has a kid. He was rejected 15+ times but kept trying. One person eventually said yes to him and the rest is history.

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