So I started working at a gas station in December of last year, and I was a horrible coworker in the first month. I talked too much and didn’t leave the register unless explicitly told to do so (I would run the register, but wouldn’t mop unless someone asked me to, for instance).

I realize now how shitty I was, so I’m trying to better myself. I’ve stopped talking about coworkers/managers entirely and I keep a checklist of things I do throughout the day (mopping, taking out trash, bathroom cleanup are the main 3 things).

However, the whole store doesn’t see improvement. Coworkers and managers still call me the “lazy, annoying one”, even when I now leave the store SPOTLESS for the next shift, both behind my back and right in front of me.

I don’t know what else to do, so I’m turning here. I’ve apologized, I’ve told them I’m trying to better myself, and they still act like nothing has changed. I know it takes a while to build up trust again but it’s been several months.

I want to stay working at the company if at all possible; it’s got benefits, a 401k, and a livable wage. But if it’s a poisoned well I’d rather know sooner than later. What do I do?

  1. Once you have apologized, made ammends, and changed your behavior – you had e done what you are supposed to. There isn’t anything else you can do to change people’s minds…they have to be open to it. Doesn’t seem like your coworkers are open to letting jt a go – so you have a choice: ignore it or quit.

  2. Persist

    They may not think well of you for a while

    And it is useful to have you to look down on instead of them looking at themselves

    Start with those who you get along with the best

    It is likely easier for them to see your changes as real improvement rather than short term manipulation

    Don’t expect too much of others

    It’s easier to have a good reputation carefully maintained

  3. Its hard to change someone’s impression of you but at the same time their opinion doesn’t pay your bills. Just focus on your work. If they don’t recognize your efforts then it is what it is.

  4. Maybe buy your coworkers lunch. This may let them see that you’re willing to go beyond your line of duty. Do this regularly and you may be viewed as the “guy who is generous with lunches” lol

  5. I’d recommend you start stealing stuff. If you think you can get away with it. Also, don’t clean well. Work as little as possible. If people are going to give you shit for something you didn’t so, then do it. They aren’t going to back down, so give them hell.

  6. I’d recommend you start stealing stuff. If you think you can get away with it. Also, don’t clean well. Work as little as possible. If people are going to give you shit for something you didn’t so, then do it. They aren’t going to back down, so give them hell.

  7. Honestly man I don’t know how old you are but I’d probably just leave for another gas station or job in general.

    If you want to change your reputation you have to consistently make a positive effort and it will overtime.

  8. Maybe you should directly address this with the co-workers who are calling you lazy. Explain that you were lazy at first but cleaned up your act.

  9. Working at a gas station should be a temporary job. Try somewhere else, like a grocery store or FedEx. They’re always hiring

  10. I’m glad you realized that you were a crappy worker. Most people don’t realize they are or refuse to admit it. Or they know they are but don’t care. Good job on trying to improve yourself.

    I don’t know what else can be done but if you can hand off to the next worker with a quick walkthrough or just verbally hand off what you did. A walkthrough is best but I don’t know if the next worker cares enough to do that. If you do that, then you’ve proven that it was clean when you left.

    Though sometimes people dont really like when someone is trying to improve because then they’ll start to feel like they’ve become the lazy one and they start looking bad. They probably need to keep repeating that you’re lazy so that everyone believes it and remembers your behavior from the past.

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