It seems tho that western women are the worst when it comes to dating. They always want the top tier guy while never giving the average guy a chance. I have a good paying job with a promising future but I’m about average in the looks department. It has been rough for me as far as dating or talking to any girl. All of them won’t even give me a chance. Even the not so pretty ones who are broke or have a Medicore jobs won’t even bat an eye.

They just all seem stuck up they always post stuff on Facebook about something along the lines of being some kind of boss queen babe. They like the attention guys give them but laugh at the ugly who try to interact with them. They brag about how their dms are fluttered with guys trying to get with them but then they complain on fb how they cant find a boyfriend. Bullcrap

They literally have hundreds of guys willing to take them out on a date but the women don’t want them cause they just want the top tier guy. They just want the attractive, big tall muscular guy, who is charming and funny, has a good job and also with a nice car and a house! They want the whole package deal while not reciprocating the same deal

this is getting ridiculous it’s why I can’t find any woman because they all have way higher standards! Is it like this in other countries or is the u.s.a the worst when it comes to dating women? Just seems like western women are the worst for this kind of behavior

  1. Or maybe they can just tell that you’re a miserable piece of shit and don’t want anything to do with you.

  2. Freedom, and choices. Being picky is good, hell even hypergamy is good. Pick people that are great. Don’t settle for some slouch.

    “Woe is me” the Reddit post.

    This brother is dying of thirst.

  3. I’m not a western woman and just by reading your first sentence I’d give you a wide pass. So wide as in not being in the same room with you…

  4. Why aren’t women obligated to date me! 🙁 back in my village I could trade a horse for a woman and now they won’t talk to me

  5. Maybe you need to work on yourself. Although I think that you have some valid points, work on yourself and don’t limit yourself to western women. Problem solved

  6. Dude. I’m saying this as respectfully as I can, it’s not the women, it’s you. It probably has less to do with your looks than your attitude. Not all women are the same. Every single one is attracted to different things.

    My advice to you. Invest in yourself. Work on your negative outlook on life. It’s not attractive. You won’t attract anyone with that toxic attitude.

  7. Social media and unrealistic standards. Some of it is caused by online dating as well which gives the illusion of unlimited choice of tons of attractive people for whatever you want, which ends up not being the case.

    If you are a reasonably attractive guy then this doesn’t really negatively impact you much but it apparently really fucks over the average looking guys from what I’ve been seeing on here.

    Having dating women from both North America and Asian (Japan/Korea) I completely agree western women are on average way more entitled pains in the ass on average by comparison these days. The differences in the dating experiences between the two is actually shocking and I find there are just way more reasons to pursue relationships as a guy in Asian society versus western today. That said there are still decent women out there, it just requires a lot more filtering today then it used to.

    When I was dating I never had problems meeting women but I was filtering out or dropping to fwb for a lot of them due to the crazy levels of entitled non-sense I was seeing the last time. I handled the whole situation by just boxing women. Women go into not interested at all, fwb-casual only, short term relationship or long term relationship boxes depending on what I was encountering. Now not all western women are entitled pains in the ass but its definitely more common then it used to be.

    If I woman tells you she is a queen, laugh then proceed to run.

  8. As a woman who’s DM’s are usually full of men trying to get my attention, I can tell you that the abundance of men in there are NOT looking to date and they’re not looking to be kind or respectful. So yes, it’s entirely possible to have a pile of attention and still not be able to find one truly wanting commitment.
    Sometimes you’re not getting dates due to thinks that nobody will tell you about (like halitosis) that no matter how nice and wealthy and respectful you are, nobody is going to want to get close to you.

  9. Jesus Christ, you wreak of small dick energy and entitlement.

    Women owe you nothing, the world owes you nothing.

    If all they go for is “top tier” guys, get your act together and be one. It has nothing to do with looks (I ain’t much), you don’t have to be over 6ft and muscular, but be happy and interesting and things will happen.

    Stop treating every woman you meet like an object that owes you something, if they’re not interested in you that’s their choice. Start treating them like people you have just met and hangout with them without your agenda. Try and have fun without the expectation of anything else.

    You’re expectations are toxic to you getting what you want.

  10. Because they can.

    If you had “hundreds” of women willing to go out with you, you’d start being a little picky too.

    You’ll have a happier life if you focus on improving yourself. Rather than just bitch about how the world is unfair.

  11. You’re buying into that RP garbage. Drop the online dating and get out to meet women outside of work and clubs. They are plentiful and looking for a man in their life.

  12. Feminism, progressive leaning courts and spineless politicians who only want their votes all enable them.

  13. Sorry bro, but you’re the issue here, not women being “picky”, not “hypergamy”, just you.

  14. _If_ this were true, average looking men couldn’t get any dates.

    So it’s probably not true, since enough average looking men are dating and in relationships.

    It’s not the looks.

  15. Dunno. I’ll let you know when I meet a woman who fits this supervillain image you created

  16. Everyone wants a white woman so they have the highest value. Just bang Lebanese or Russian girls, or Latinas. Hot accent, know a second language, more cultured, and are white passing in most cases.

  17. Pampered – Entitled – Empowered.

    You could go down the list or you could join the growing numbers of Western males that are Self Improving so they can seek out in non Western females what the Western females have cast aside.

  18. The differences between how men and women view dating and how those frustrations are received is like night and day. Fucking hell, this thread…

  19. Work on being a guy you’d hang out with. You sound angry and bitter. Decent women care way less about looks them you think. Sounds like your fishing in trashy waters yourself cause of low self esteem

  20. Monogamy = you have a romantic relationship with one person

    Polygamy = you have romantic relationships with multiple people

    Hypergamy = ???

  21. Compared to most of the world, western women live the lives of royalty. Comfort, privilege, disposable income, significantly higher social safety, a government that panders to them and spends money on them [usually with no questions asked].

    Combine that with the majority of media outlets blowing smoke up their asses and you get picky, egotistical, pedestalized up-on-their-high-horse women.

  22. “Every single women doesn’t want me. The women must be the problem, not my entitled, miserable, misogynistic self!!😡 They should date me even if they don’t want to”

  23. Touch grass, friend. You are on a downward path, and there is nothing waiting for you there but more loneliness and misery. The sooner you turn around, the sooner you will have love and light in your life again.

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