I have a skinny fat body (23M, 182cm, \~85kg) and I want to get lean. Do you have any advice on how to achieve it? Btw I am not a newbie, I’ve been working out for few years now but I hadn’t made any serious progress. Now I want to get in shape, any help would be appreciated.

  1. How are your eating habits? Since you said you’ve already been working out, sounds like you’ve got that down. If you’re trying to cut and get lean you might want to look at your diet.

  2. Track what you eat. If you want to burn fat stay in a caloric deficit but consume high qty of protein.

  3. It’s 80% diet and 20% exercise

    And diet is the hardest part

    Meal prep is key while counting your calories and macros

  4. Easy to say but difficult to do….

    Count calories.

    if you burn more than you consume, you will lose weight unless you have a medical condition that prevents it.

    At the same time you’re counting calories, you can’t starve yourself either.

  5. Like everyone else said. There’s not much else to add.

    Workout and track what you eat. If you do that, you’ll get lean. Actually track though….not kind of. We suck at estimating.

  6. Find some exercises that are appealing to you. Do them regularly and make sure you feel it when you’re done. If you’re tired when you’re done exercising you need to ramp it up. Wean yourself off sugar and carbs. Simple as I can make it.

  7. Everyone is going to give you the same old shit. Track what you eat, change your habits, blah blah blah.

    At the end of the day it’s all about finding something you enjoy. Hate going to the gym, guess what, you’ll never get in shape. Hate running, guess what, you’ll never run.

    Try some different stuff and see what sticks. Try a martial art, bike riding, swimming, crossfit, whatever. But it has to be something you enjoy, otherwise you’ll never stick with it. Do that, then worry about tracking your food or whatever other pain in the ass shit everyone tells you to do.

  8. # See a physician before undertaking an exercise regime.

    Exercise regularly. Potentially sign up with a trainer at first to make sure you’re doing things right and won’t hurt yourself.

    Eat well. Potentially speak with a nutritionist to make sure your diet meets your caloric needs and is healthy.

    Get enough sleep.

  9. start buying healthy foods and stop buying unhealthy stuff, it’ll make dieting way easier. It’s ok to have something unhealthy every once in a while, but it’s best to keep the majority of your diet full of nutritious foods.

    I’d also change your workout routine if you haven’t made any serious progress.

  10. HIIT. I go to fitness classes at a local gym, the thing that got me going was a class called Body Pump (google it). Then I got in better shape and started taking a HIIT class at 5 am 3 days a week. I’m buff now and get compliments all the time, I’m 63 and have abs and can work men half my age into the ground. Muscles and cardio fitness for the win. Also, I eat whatever I want. If I want cake, I have cake. Not often and I do watch what I eat. But I manage my constant hunger by eating lots of small meals. If I’m hungry midday, I eat an apple with peanut butter on it and it holds me over. Then when I get hungry later, I have a sandwich, just enough to tide me over. I started in 2006,

    I would disagree with people who say it’s all diet. You could diet to death and be skinny/have low fat, but you won’t be in shape. By “in shape, I mean have muscles and good cardio fitness. My thoughts on exercise is that if you’re not sweaty and out of breath, you’re wasting your time. It takes a while to get there, but if you push yourself and are regular with it, you can make major changes.

    Muscle burns more calories than fat, so do HIIT or Body Pump and watch your shape change.


  11. Diet is super important. Find healthy stuff that you actually like to eat. Eat when its time to eat and don’t wait until you’re starving. Its harder to resist cravings when you’re hungry. Also a shorter half-assed workout is always WAY better than no workout. That really helps me. Sometimes i’m exhausted and i only have 20 min. If I knock out some pushups, crunches and some curls, or run 2 1/2 miles – its way better than just waiting until i have the full hour.

  12. If you want an athletic appearance pick a combat sport. They tend to be good at building strength and burning calories. If you want a bodybuilding style body than lift. Or do both.

    But diet is king

  13. Start small. Go to the gym and do like 3 excersises. Increase it every few weeks until you have a full workout schedule. For me, 99% of the mental struggle when i’m in a slump is just driving to the gym. Once i’m there i love it. So just make a habit of going there.

  14. Run a bodybuilder program. 8 weeks diet (caloric deficit), then 2 weeks diet break (maintenance calories). Repeat that while hitting the weights 5 days a week, cardio / stretching for 2 days. Track calories and weigh yourself every day. There’s several automated physique coaching services online if you Google.

  15. Find a plan and stick with it. I think people who go into the gym or want to lose weight and start with just a vague goal (lose 20 pounds, get ripped, whatever) and no defined path to achieving it are on an uphill battle.

    But first you really have to educate yourself. Find out how many calories you need to be eating a day to be in a deficit, if your goal is to lose fat. Look for sample meal plans. Find out what foods are going to help you achieve your goal and foods that aren’t. Learn to read food labels and measure/weigh portions. The more knowledge you have, the greater the chance you’re going to succeed.

    If you’ve been working out for a few years and seen little progress, you either need to adjust your diet or ramp up your routine. I highly recommend bodybuilding.com. It has a treasure trove of info for every goal imaginable, and lots of free routines and plans. Their transformations page is particularly usefu, and you can see exactly what other average Joes did to achieve their goals.

    Good luck!

  16. Short answer: Lift weights or do Cardio, and eat less consistently over a long period of time.

    Getting in shape is something that is very simple to do, but not easy. If you are already exercising consistently, than you probably want to tweak a few things. Either tighten up the diet or up the intensity or duration of your workouts.

    It helps to have a clear definition of what in shape means to you. There is a difference between hitting certain strength and stamina benchmarks and having abs.

    It may help to actually write down what your eating and how much your exercising for about a month, and then review it to see if you are actually being honest with yourself about your exercise; (ie, you may assume your hitting it 3 times a week, but only actually skiping more often than you think. OR eating more than you thought.)


  17. you work out with no progress according to you, what kind of work out do you do and what results you want?

  18. It’s probably 70% diet/nutrition and 30% exercise.

    Also find something that’s exercise and something you like. You like basketball, play that. Soccer? Find a local league. BJJ? One of the best things you can do for yourself. As long as you have fun, you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

    Also, make yourself a playlist that gets you going.

  19. Get your diet sorted first – it’s 80% of the battle. As much as you hate it you will have to track calories and macros if you want real progress. After that, be honest with yourself as to how much time you will be able to spend at the gym each week, and build a workout routine based around that. Make sure it’s sustainable and isn’t so extreme that you will burn out within a few months. Lastly, be sure that your diet and fitness habits are genuinely enjoyable – if you like it and feel good doing it, it’ll stick. Once the habits are fully cemented it doesn’t feel like work at all, and you will be so thankful that fitness is a core part of your life. Feel free to DM if you want any specific advice.

  20. It’s not rocket science track your calories stay active workout run swim martial arts walking anything

  21. You won’t gain “haters” when you gain muscles. Most guys just gain ego hence the haters.

  22. Just do it for for it start that’s the hard part. Then keep it up try making it a daily thing never stop even if your sick. Just go doesn’t need to be 100% all the time. Just do something. Also at 23 you’ll literally build muscle by breathing

  23. I see a lot of fit guys at the gym where I can tell they’re all zen about it and all that. For me, I gotta stay angry.

    Also all this summer I’m back on salmon portions: that’s one 4-5 oz salmon portion a day, for the entire summer. Fucking hell. Frying up that salmon every fucking morning is like a damn ritual, and i savor that shit because I know it’s the only meal I get every day. Or I might eat some dry oats around dinner time. Dry miserable fuckin oats. My diet is Dark Souls, baby.

  24. I don’t know if anyone mentioned this but, stick to a routine for a bit longer to see if it actually works for you.

    I see people change routines way too often because they think it doesn’t work. I’m like, come on, it’s only been two weeks.

  25. What routine are you following that has not gotten you results after multiple years. Diet is by far the most important part of the formula. So get that in control first. I am a fan of counting calories, some are not. Calories are the only thing that matter wheb it comes to weightloss/gain. Its not carbs or fat, it is calories. It has gotten me very good results and gives me very good control of my bodyweight. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

  26. Find what you like. I hate going to the gym so I built one in my basement. I also hate treadmills and repetitive stuff like that so I joined a cardio kickboxing class twice a week. Having weights in my basement and doing kickboxing with a group is a lot of fun. I look forward to my workouts five days a week.

  27. Whatever you train do it with good form. The difference between a safe fun effective activity and something that’ll injure you could be as little a slight curve in your back. So get someone to show you how

  28. Diet…



    I like to lift weights and that where I’ve seen the best results

    Do the exercises you connect with and feel the most.

    Keep your workouts hard and don’t slack on the effort.

    Have a cheat meal once or twice a week and don’t go overboard

    And keep doing that until you look like a Greek god

  29. Do something you love, something fun to get your heart going. Eat less.

  30. If you’re trying to lose weight it’s more about diet than exercise. If your trying to build muscle it’s about diet as much as exercise. You can’t get any gains without eating, gotta get have a good workout snack after.

    But like others have said, you have to find something you enjoy, if you don’t like doing it you’ll end up hating it and quitting

  31. I tried for years to get in shape, to lose weight and build muscle. I finally found something that worked and it came down to 1 thing – tracking calories and protein.

    80% diet, 20% exercise.

    6 months ago, I couldn’t do 1 pull-up and was overweight. I started tracking calories and eating more protein. It took some time but today, I hit 9 straight pull-ups and lost 20lbs of weight.

    Consistency in tracking calories and consistency in hitting the gym will generate shockingly good results.

    I’m now addicted to the gym lol

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