Tldr: I’m 40[f]. I was dating 38[f] . She is divorced and has kids. The kids are with the father. They live in another state. She has bi-polar. But manages very well with medication. She has had a rough past.

We met on an online dating site. Before meeting we chatted online. And then exchanged phone numbers and texted for a few days. Eventually we talked on the phone and meshed very well. We continued to chat and then talk once a day for about two weeks. One weekend I went to meet her. She live 2 hours away. We had a wonderful time and started to date. For 3 months we texted every single day. And talked on the phone when we could. She is very sweet and supportive. She would talk about a future together. She wanted to meet my family. She wanted to Eventually move in together. When we hung out it was always fun and loving.. like weve been friends for years.. it felt very comfortable. I got busy with work so I went to see her a few weekends a month. She introduced me to all her family. They do not agree with people being gay. Apparently they were fine with us because they liked me and thought we were good together. She has really great friends who love her. She has a good support network. She treats people with kindness, respect and honesty.

One weekend when I was visiting we went to hang out at a family members home. We drank some wine. I had a very bad reaction to it because I had forgotten I took Antabuse a few days ago. Antabuse is a medication you take if you are trying to stop drinking. It makes you violently ill if you drink on it. She mentioned she thought I was dying because I lost all the color in my face. I didn’t think anything of it because I wasn’t actually dying. That’s what the pill is supposed to do.

The next day she broke up with me thru text. She said she couldn’t have that in her life. She has too much of her own work on herself to do.

I’m not disagreeing with her decision. I just don’t understand why we couldn’t even have a phone conversation about it. She didn’t even include me in the decision making. She never asked how I felt about any of it.

Please feel free to ask any questions . I didn’t explain this well.

1 comment
  1. If you took those tablets to try and stop drinking, and you subsequently drank, that seems rather worrying.

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