For those who were in an on and off relationship ship how did it end or how is it going ?

  1. We were together 3 times, 4th time he asked to get back together I refused because I knew it wouldn’t go anywhere. We lived in different countries so it was difficult anyway, we saw each other 1-2 times a year.

  2. After 11 and a half years of on/off BS, I just decided that I wanted someone who was sure about me and who would commit to only me. I’ve felt so much freer and happier since then and I’m now in a better relationship.

  3. It ended very badly. We had so many good times over the years. Then he changed. He began listening to far-right radio and watching Fox News all the time (He worked from home for YEARS). Our formerly fun and fascinating conversations turned into political arguments. It was so disappointing.

  4. I only made this mistake once before I got married. After our 2nd reconciliation, he moved in with me. After a month, I kicked him out in the middle of the night and never spoke to him again. His dad told me he’d given him money to give to me for rent. When he got home, I confronted him and found out he spent the money on himself. I put him out right then and there.

  5. Ended. I then learned nothing comes from a relationship that’s on and off

  6. we started dating in summer of 2018, broke up & got back together twice before officially breaking up last month… it fucking sucks but it is what is is… wouldn’t wish the on & off rollercoaster ride on anyone…

  7. It ended.

    I’ve never heard of a relationship that has survived the on and off stage. Stretched longer than necessary? Yes. And they all seemed to end poorly, too

  8. We got together in 2019 and we were on and off (about 3 times, maybe 4) until 2021. As of today, it’s officially been a year since I was on the emotional roller coaster ride. Little sad, little reminiscent, but overall doing pretty good 🙂

  9. My BF and I broke up twice in our first year of the relationship, once for six months. He has PTSD and anxiety from a bad car wreck, and I didn’t know much about trauma and how to recognize his cues. I learned more about it and we got over the first barriers of mistrust and my insecurity over him pushing me away. Reading support forums for people in PTSD relationships helped a lot. I recognized our situation in the things other people were writing, like about the “push-pull cycle.” The book The Body Keeps the Score also helped a lot.

    It hasn’t always been easy but we’ve been together for almost seven years now and are very happy.

  10. I was 20 and he was 40 🚩 and going through a divorce. 🚩 I was uninterested in the way guys my age didn’t know what they wanted (because they were 20), and he love-bombed the hell out of me. 🚩 Between me wanting to go out and act like a 20 year old and him deciding he was going to work things out with his ex-wife for the kid’s sake, we were on and off and on and off for about three years. I was utterly addicted to the absolute high highs that came after the devastatingly low lows. One day I’d be sobbing into my pillow and the next day we’d be passionately making out in the rain The Notebook style. The man made me feel like the most special person in the world, and I couldn’t get enough of it. 🚩

    My job asked me to temporarily transfer locations for six months to a place that was four hours away. We were on a downshift, so we agreed that when I moved, we’d take some time for ourselves and figure out what we wanted to do long-term. This of course devolved into us doing the late night phone conversations and meeting up for sex. All of a sudden, he stopped calling so much and then finally not at all. A couple weeks later, I found out through mutual friends that he was dating someone else. I left him a scathing voicemail, cried myself to sleep for a few months, and then tried to move on with my life.

    About a year later, I started dating a new guy and the dickbag ex proposed to his girlfriend. However, the ring didn’t stop him from getting wasted and blowing up my phone one night with voicemail after voicemail about how he fucked up and wanted me back. I finally picked up the phone and laid into him. I was incredibly cruel and it was honestly quite cathartic.

    It’s been a long time since then. I’ve learned how to spot red flags (thank God), and have been with an incredible guy for almost a decade. Ex apparently cheats on his wife all the time and has also tried to call me (he’s blocked now). I can’t believe I was foolish enough to give him so many chances, but good Lord am I glad I didn’t give him another one.

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