As the title says.

Context is that we’ve been together for 5+ years, the wedding was of a close friend of ours which happened last weekend. Me and my partner have talked about and agreed on getting engaged but no proposal has been made.
We’re thinking around a month, but we’re an impatient pair at times haha.

Edit: so yeah, may have been over thinking it too much with initial replies.

  1. You’re only a dick if you do it right before or at the wedding. After the wedding nobody gives a fuck about the couple. A month is plenty.

  2. Whenever you bloody like? Why would someone else getting married make you delay anything?

  3. As long as it’s not at the event itself whenever you like, they only get the day

  4. Anytime after should be OK but a week is a good length of time to avoid comments from pot stirrers.

  5. Dictating that someone can’t have a life event close to your own is absolutely ridiculous behaviour. OP you’re completely overthinking this. I’m sure they’ll be happy for you.

  6. As long as you don’t propose at the wedding I’d say even a week later is fair game.

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