what do you notice first in any person?

  1. eyes, their hands/fingers (if their nails are trimmed/clean. i know…)

  2. probably hair is number thing i see first. if its a guy it could be there arms or muscles if they have any idek. if its a gurl boobs idek man. its hard to tell. but when i actually go up to someone its the hair first thay i see for sure.

  3. if they don’t have a super strong scent (b.o. or perfume) then eyebrows. they show expression and also show how a person grooms themselves/if they do

  4. Sounds weird but their sense of humour. I’m not one for making eye contact, especially when around someone new, so sense of humour usually grabs my attention.

  5. Eyes ( the crinkles when you smile), eyebrows and hands. My husband ticked all three when I met him

  6. Most of the times it’s the way they carry themselves/eyes (not the colour, but how they ‘look out of their eyes’ if that makes sense).

    Unless they have a moustache, I have no idea what it is about those, but they make my brain short circuit (not in the *best* way).

    I went to a bar recently and we had a really nice barman helping us with a *statement* moustache, it took me well over an hour to notice he had tattoos. Like ‘no space to add more, very colourful tattoos’.

  7. Teeth and shoes both must nice always a sign of a nice person in my opinion lol x

  8. Not a woman, but I notice their voice or eyes depending on which I see/hear first.

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