I recently got out of a very long term relationship. It’s been a few months now but I’ve been checked out for years.

Anyway, dating is so different now! Meeting people online who want to meet right away or do a video call. It makes me really nervous. I matched with someone who I’m really interested in who tried to do a video call the same night. I wasn’t ready for it so we’ve just been texting.

He stopped responding after one convo one day. I didn’t hear from him for a couple days. I end up texting him and he texts back and tries FaceTiming but I don’t answer the FaceTime. He makes a comment about how I’m still not ready to video chat. We’re texting back and forth for a while and then he stops responding mid convo again. I really like talking to this guy and feel we have a lot in common. Should I try FaceTiming with him again or just let it go?

1 comment
  1. Do what you’re comfortable with. Not every guy will want to facetime you immediately, but most will want a meet up asap to start a real connection with you. Regardless though, you have the agency to choose to date how you want.

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