I’ve (21M) somewhat been having an ego death recently. For the longest time, I’ve felt that my personality was the biggest thing that made me attractive. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that I’m physically attractive. I work out, pretty athletic especially for my size and I try my best to dress well. Anyway, I’ve been second guessing on how I present myself. Since none of you guys know me, lemme try to explain how my personality works:

One of the biggest things that I hear is that I’m definitely funny. Some people tell me that all the time. They know that if they work or hang out with me, they’ll most likely laugh. Usually, I’m confident. Or at least I’m good at faking it lol. I walk with confidence; my voice is distinct, and my presence is usually prominent. I’m trying my best to be more vulnerable around my friends and others in general, but I don’t think it’s working. I have a lot of creative and athletic talents and hobbies like poetry, music, MMA, cooking, YouTube, languages and a whole bunch more. I genuinely care about my friends. I mean a lot, they’re great people. I gave myself a chance of friendship again and I’m glad that I met them. I love, support and somewhat protective of them. Unfortunately, I have a funny way of showing it at times due to me feeling like I’m oversentimental. Lastly, I really have to work up courage to ask a girl out or even for her number. I just try to talk to them like how I would talk to my female friends. I’m polite, funny and try to appear confident but doesn’t seem to work. I’m not the biggest personality but I thought that I was a good person. I can’t even identify what I’m doing wrong.

  1. I don’t think it’s a personality thing but a confidence thing. I mean are you actually asking out any women?

  2. You don’t do anything wrong but to worry too much about yourself.

    Just “be” instead of “thinking how to be”.

  3. My guess is that you are scared of rejections. This is why you said you want to be more vulnerable. As bad as it sounds, experience rejections, learn from it and become more confident in yourself

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