My boyfriend (25) is at his graduation right now. He is out with friends celebrating. My (21) dad has been sick with cancer for a few months but took a turn for the worse and is pretty much actively dying in the hospital with sepsis. He is telling me that he can’t call me or can’t communicate with me because I need to let him “experience it.” Meaning his graduation and visiting his friends. I know this is a big deal for him and I’m incredibly proud but him telling me he can’t call is just so hurtful. I told him this and now he is ignoring my texts. I just don’t even know what to do at this point. I’m distraught and feel just so alone.

  1. Girl, if I was in your place, just leave your boyfriend. If he can’t find time to spare even just 1 minute of his life to communicate with you, then that’s a mere indicator of a red flag in your relationship. No one is “too” busy, always remember that. You deserve better other than this jerk. Sorry

  2. It’s not about you. He’s at a different place in his life and that’s OK. You are expecting way too much from him during a milestone event in his life.

  3. You seek for the support you need from somewhere else right now and have a good yell at him when you get the chance. He let you down. How he reacts then will tell you for sure if it is time to kick him to the curb. You can do it straight away if you want to, but it is generally better to make decisions once the dust is settled and not when you dad is dieing and he is letting you down right in this moment.

  4. I want to think very heavily about what part of “my boyfriend is ignoring my texts and partying while my father is actively dying” sounds healthy or reasonable to you. I’m so truly sorry you’re dealing with this.

  5. It’s not that he can’t, it’s that he WONT. He’s free to make his own choices, absolutely. But his choices are showing you that you aren’t a priority. When someone shows you who they are, please believe them. Your f a t h e r is dying. Death is permanent, boyfriends are not necessarily permanent. I know it sounds easy for me to say, but when my mother was in the hospital and I stayed with her overnight my ex was out cheating on me. I was so worried about my ex that I didn’t spend as much time with my mom as I could’ve and I regret it so much. You’ll never get this time back, please try to focus on your father. You aren’t alone, your father is there ❤️

    Also it’s better to be alone than to be with some selfish a-hole who can’t take 5 minutes to call you. 5 freaking minutes. Screw him.

  6. I am really sorry for what you are going through with your dad. Your BF is trash. I am sorry but I can’t mince words. Absolute heartless trash. The pain of witnessing my dad’s terminal illness still haunts me. To make someone one claims to care about endure more pain is unforgivable. He doesn’t deserve another minute of your time. Please give your love to your father and those who actually show up for you.

  7. I am so sorry you are going through this. Your boyfriend is not a good partner. I really hope you have some solid friends/ a support system that you can lean on during this time. I think it would be best to stop contacting your bf as he clearly isn’t giving you the support you need and deserve right now. Take care of yourself and lean on anyone else you have in your life. I wish you so much peace and love. I

  8. Concentrate on your time with your father and forget about him. Although it’s an exciting time for him he’s unfit to be a good partner to you so block him and dump him and use your energy and time on you and your family who’s going through a terrible time. You don’t need him. So sorry! Been with my father through his last moments and everything else was secondary.

  9. This is pathetic why would you be with someone that doesn’t consider your feelings in this crucial moment why would you still call this person your boyfriends. RUN AWAY from the SOB

  10. Leave him! He is selfish prick! Girl use your energy on spending time with your dad than thus prick. You deserve so much better.

  11. Your post is missing some context.

    Is he just concentrating on his graduation celebrations for 1 or 2 days or is it much longer? One or two days is certainly not outlandish. When I graduated it was one night partying with my class mates and that was it.

    How long have you two been going out?
    How does your bf get along with your father and your family?

    Remember that a bf isn’t a spouse.
    You are rightfully spending time with your father. The bf is celebrating a big milestone. I would suggest you wait to judge him after the graduation weekend has passed.

  12. I could never party if my partner is having such a hard time. You wern’t even expecting so much, but to spent half an hour or so on the phone isn’t to much when the father of your partner is dying?! I’m so sorry that this happen to you and that you must see that you bf isn’t the person you thought. He is selfish. He doesn’t care about you. If you have other family or friends, go to them. And i would actually end it with your bf. That he ignored you in your time of need is the worstvthing he could do and shows that he is an egoistic asshole. He doesn’t deserve you. Maybe it was the last gift of your father that he showed you the true color of this man. Concentrate to say goodbye to him and cherish him in your heart. Never forget that he will always watch over you. And i’m sure that he is proud that he has such a wonderful daughter like you!

  13. This is tough because his graduation is a major moment in his life that he will only be able to experience once and what you’re going through is a major moment in your life that you will only be able to experience once. Which moment is more important than the other?
    When people are in relationships they come in it as their own person, with their own history, their own desires and ultimately their own path. When people form a relation they choose to walk on the same road together but each are heading to their own destination.
    You may think what he is doing is selfish but you’re feeling that way because you’re choosing to only see things from your own perspective. We cannot expect the people we love and who love us to drop everything for us all of the time, that’s unrealistic and unreasonable.
    He worked hard for this moment in his life and he deserves to enjoy it. Your dad is dying and you should be grateful you’re there to be by his side through his final days.

  14. Girl, end it. How damn selfish can he be? When you need him most a damn party is more important.

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