Hey guys, Im talking to his guy from Bumble and he seems super nice. We made plans to hang out and all and he followed me on IG (my ig is in my bumble bio) and I followed him back. He saw one of my stories and everything it was good and later that night I checked and he had unfollowed me. I obviously mentioned it in our chat on Bumble (I asked why he unf me) and he said “Sorry. I thought it was inappropriate when we’re talking here.” What does that even mean???

TL;DR guy [35M] from bumble unfollowed me [25F] for no reason but still talks to me

  1. I’m guessing he friended you to look at what you have in your IG, and then unfriended since he doesn’t need to look anymore and realized he probably shouldn’t be IG friends with someone he just met and doesn’t know where it would go?

  2. Maybe he is concerned that he’s following you too fast and wants to make sure you like him first.

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