Growing up in a working class single parent household I always just assumed cleaners were only for rich people. But is this view a bit old-fashioned?

Now in adulthood I find I just don’t have time to keep the house clean and I’m considering getting a cleaner myself, even just for my one bedroom flat.

Do you have a cleaner? How often do they come round? How big is your home? What do they clean? And how much do you pay?

  1. Yes, it’ll be the best thing you ever did.
    We have a lady that comes twice a week. She does kitchen, bathrooms, sitting room. General tidy and clean.
    She also puts on and away laundry.
    We pay her £15 per hour. She is here for 4 hours a week.
    2 Tuesday, 2 Friday. We have a 4 bedroom home.
    2 full time working parents (farmers) a 16 yr old boy and 2 dogs.
    I cannot tell you how much easier life is with her and well worth the money.

  2. I don’t have one but would love one. Colleagues over the years have had them. I think they said they were £15 per hour. One had them pop around once a week for a ‘keep on top of things’ clean and the other had twice a week.

    If I lived on my own I’d get one as I generally keep things neat, but my husband is minging and I’d never subject anyone to his hoarding and grossness.

    (We are the NW England area, salaries of those mentioned is in the £20-30k range, so not ‘rich’)

  3. Not atm, but we are about to move from a 2 bed flat to a 3 bed house and we’re planning to get one when we move. We are can mannage keeping the flat in a decent state, but when we move will have an extra loo, an extra bedroom and a separate dining and living room (compared to current living diner) plus more maintenence to do around the house and the garden to look after… So it just makes sense to us to get a cleaner from the start to make sure it doesn’t get grimy and we still have some free time. We’ll get someone for maybe 3h every other week or something and obviously still do lots of cleaning up after ourselves, but it just means we won’t have to do things like mopping the floor or cleaning skirting boards etc.

  4. Yes I have a cleaner once a week for 2 hours and She charges me £10 . 00 an hour, she cleans a 4 bedroom bungalow , 2 bathrooms and kitchen and utility room .

  5. 2 or 3 hours every Friday. 4 bed house, 1600sqft. Everything. £15 cash in hand per hour.

    Sounds crazy to say, but even at £15 / hour cash in hand, it’s not easy to find one.

  6. I love my cleaner! She comes once a week for an hour and concentrates on the kitchen / bathrooms / hoovering. I pay £13 / hour

  7. We used to have one who came weekly to our 3 bed house. I think we paid her a tenner per hour but this was a while back and she was freaking marvellous. She cleaned everything and it took 3 or 4 hours.

    Naturally it forced us to tidy up – we always did a cleaner tidy so the place was ship shape when she arrived so we had a clean tidy house come a Friday.

    I always had to leave the house while she was in though. I just kept getting in the way and bumping into her so I went out if I wasn’t working.

  8. I don’t have one because my husband doesn’t want one, though I would love one! My sister is a cleaner, started working for herself doing it a few years ago and she has loads of customers now. She is constantly busy, and the people she cleans for aren’t all rich. In fact, I don’t think any of them are.

    If you can afford it, get one. Cleaning is just one of those mundane chores that you could do without.

  9. Myself and my partner have a 5bed detached and two dogs, we work long hours from home and the last thing we want to do is a deep clean of the house with our downtime.
    £15/hr for 4hrs every other week for someone to come and do the majority of the cleaning is one of the highest impact for money expenses I have. Of course we still have to do some weekly cleaning but never having to clean out the oven, skirting boards, dust the light fittings etc just makes the world of difference for us.

  10. Yes I do. She’s worth her weight in gold, I love her. My friends think I’m a twat for it because I am single, live on my own and I have no kids so apparently I have all the time in the world to do my own housework. However, I run my own business so I work really long hours. I do what I can in between her visits but she does the deep cleaning stuff and I just tidy up after myself as I go. Also, I have two cats and a dog so both of us together keep the pet hair under control – pet hair isn’t a condiment in my house.

  11. Yes, we have for years. We both work and have a cleaner for 3 hours a week. They do the ironing, hoovering, bathroom, kitchen, and general cleaning.

    We do washing, washing up, and tidying[1] – basically the easy stuff.

    It’s fantastic and worth every penny.

    [1] seems to be a bit unusual but we keep the house tidy anyway and I want to pay people for something I can’t/don’t want to do.

  12. No, because it seems very bougie and about as wierd on par with paying someone to wipe my arse. I probably spend a couple of hours split across an entire week cleaning and I can’t imagine the expense to be worth it when compared to the time it would free up.

  13. I grew up with a cleaner.

    She was paid £50 a day. 5 days a week. House was a semi-detached 5 bed an hour outside of London.

    For that she’d pick me and my sis up from school at around 4 then cook dinner for us, feed the cat, do the litter, do the dishwasher, put laundry on, hoover the house, iron clothes, dust, clean the bathroom.

    Pretty much everything really. My mum would get back from work around 7-9pm and then she’d leave.

  14. Yeah it’s old fashioned if you can afford one why not? Plus you’re keeping a “working class” business going by paying a cleaner. Win-win.

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