Are there any unwritten cultural attitudes to women who are chubby, overweight or obese? How do men (who are not their boyfriend) treat them?

  1. I honestly don’t think there are much differences in the whole western cultural sphere in this regard.

  2. As in most Western countries, chubby and overweight women do just fine in dating and in general. They are treated as normal compared to overweight men. Overweight men are despised by Scandinavian women.

    Edit: I know it’s hard to hear, but there just isn’t a social push to normalize men being overweight, like there is for women. Only female beauty standards are challenged by society right now.

  3. My wife is overweight and it doesn’t seem to affect her life in any way – on dating ‘market’ I have no idea, but I’d guess that slim women are considered more attractive(for me that was irrelevant though).

  4. Actual overweight woman here.

    It’s okay. Not sure if worse or better than for overweight men really. As a woman a go to insult from men is basically some version of “I don’t find you fuckable” – if you’re a skinny girl you’ll get insulted about that, if you’re fat you’ll get insulted about being fat. I’m not gonna be a fool and suggest that most people wouldn’t prefer a skinnier girl, but I wouldn’t call that discrimination. Choice of partner is kind of a different discussion to me.

    I’ve never personally experienced discrimination.

  5. It is not so common in Sicily,at least not at a young age…people here tend to get fatter as they get older (less exercise and overeating)…but male obesity is much more common than female obesity here.

    I have worked with fairly overweight work colleagues though.I don’t think they had particular problems ‘dating’…they had partners,as I recall.

    As a man,I treated them in the same way as I treat anyone else.Why not?

  6. They are treated definitely better than overweight men and have better chances on “dating market”.

    I know plenty of guys who would date/dated overweight women. But overweight man? Unless he got money, he got like no chance. Most women are into”normal”/skinny dudes and than muscular ones, fat men are at the bottom.

  7. I would disregard any answer coming from anyone who doesn’t match the descriptor in the question.

  8. I don’t think that there are any differences to other Western countries. The ideal body type is slim and fit, both for men and women.

  9. I belive there are a lot of dark numbers when we talk about those things. Not quite sure how this turns out in Norway, but i would say we are not better than other nations.
    I do know they do get “looks” and sometime a comment that hurt. Wish we all could be as one.

  10. Overweight women have a lot more options than overweight men, the dating situation in most Western countries means that an obese woman won’t have *too* much trouble finding someone. I’ve certainly known several obese women who seemed to have a new partner every 3 months, and these guys weren’t bad looking.

    Obese men generally struggle with dating though, they face a bit of an uphill battle. None of the obese men I know are very successful in that regard.

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