What’s the corniest bullshit you can’t stand hearing people say?

  1. “It happened for a reason.”

    No, douchecanoe, it didn’t. There is no grand design at play.

  2. I don’t have time for X.

    No one magically has time. You prioritize and make time for what you want to do.

  3. “It is what it is”

    Just a toxic, bull shit, no thought excuse for what’s going on.

  4. “If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it’s time to check your own shoes.”

  5. So I was nailing this chick

    Chances are, he wasn’t even touching the sides

  6. Abusing the word literally as in, “I’m literally starving to death” or some other nonsense.

  7. When people speak of “hot water heaters”. There is no device known to man, dwarf, elf, or gnome to *heat hot water*.

  8. That overly generic fake bullshit that people reply to you with on posts asking how you are and stuff like that. It’s more to feed their egos and feel like they are a decent person rather than being supportive.

  9. “That’s a hill I would die on” about any random subject. No, you wouldn’t, if it came down to it you’d run like hell and hide in a ditch.

  10. Adulting, you get no participation trophy for not being dependent on others from me.

  11. Dudes with podcasts talking about “high value women.” They talk about women as if they’re all 19 yo college girls

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