So recently my(23F) boyfriend(24M) has started saying “I adore you” instead of “I love you”. Should I wait a few more days and see if he says “I love you”. It’s been about 4 days since he has… idk what to do. Give me advice on this please!

  1. I understand that it feels good receiving reassurance from your boyfriend, like him saying that he loves or adores you. I guess he doesn’t think about it as much as you do and he wants to let you know that he likes you.

    I think you can focus on basing your self worth more on your own qualities instead of validation from your boyfriend.

    There’s something you can do to achieve that. Take a jar and write down one quality of yourself, or something You can do well on a piece of paper every day. Put that piece of paper in the jar. Every time you feel insecure about the relationship with your boyfriend take out the pieces of paper and reassure yourself of your self worth. 🙂

  2. Just talk to him about the change. My partner and I go weeks sometimes without saying “I love you”, because we know that we love each other and show it in other ways. We like to reserve the “I love you” for special occasions, but that’s just us. If you want more verbal affirmation, then talk to him 🙂 His “I adore you” could also be an approach for him to give back more meaning to the “love” word. Doesn’t mean that he loves you less. Just ask him why he’s saying “adore” instead of “love”, and think about what you might need to feel more secure. It seems like you’re not completely secure in your relationship right now if a small change like that makes you search for outside perspectives instead of asking him directly. He’s your partner and honest, respectful communication is key! 🙂

  3. You’re totally overthinking it. Hes switching up the words because after a while, for some people, using the same phrase over and over makes it start to lose meaning. Adoration is love. Don’t talk to him about it. You’ll sound needy and weird. If someone complained about me switching from “I love you” to “I adore you” I’d feel a bit pissy, and that they were possibly a stage 5 clinger

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