What made you say enough was enough?

  1. After 18 years of being broken down emotionally, abused physically, mentally, financially and cheated on many times, not with one night stands but affairs, his many and varied addictions, I had no concept of who I was. I was a shell. The gaslighting was Academy award worthy. I had no idea of who I was without him and I was terrified. He finally left me for an ice addiction and another woman. I became very sick, doctor after specialist after hospital, I was so scared, I had just me to look after and I didn’t know what was happening. I eventually was diagnosed with two terminal conditions, one or the other will take my life in the next 12 months. When he heard of my diagnosis, all of a sudden there he was on my doorstep saying he had made the wrong choice and wanted to come home and look after me. I knew he only wanted me to leave him my home which I paid for outright on my own. For the first time in 18 years I said no. He was so shocked. He tried many times to come back but I found strength from somewhere. I honestly don’t know where. My end days may be hard, poor and painful but, fuck him, they’re mine and I can pass with some sense of self love, care and compassion. Not him.

  2. i had enough with my mom when she wanted to take control of all my financials and made sure i got evicted from my apartment so that she could try to put me in a disabled home instead (unsuccessfully, because im not disabled). it ruined mine and my sons life. i decided there and then that i am never going to speak to her again, because my whole life has been her abusing me, manipulating people around me and trying to have full control over me. im done. the closest im ever gonna get to her again is spitting on her grave when she is dead. it was over a year ago i broke contact and i really do not regret it, my life has been going uphill since.

  3. Last year I was “dating” this girl. I wanted an actual relationship and she wanted to keep reaping the physical benefits without the relationship part. I realized that I couldn’t make her want all of me so I ended it. 5-6 months later I started my current relationship with an amazing girl who wants and loves all of me.

  4. I went through a very toxic relationship for 7 years, toxic behaviors from both of us. But in the last 2.5years of our relationship, I worked really hard on fixing my toxic shit. He didnt, and all the things he either accused me of doing(lying/manipulating/cheating) or that I actually did(hide some things tho i never cheated) that he gave me absolute hell for, he ended up doing all of that. So with that and him never putting effort into bettering himself, I realized there wasn’t much hope on repairing our relationship. Damn did he give me hell the following months after dumping him.

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