Hey everyone. One of our shift supervisors likes to talk crap about one of our coworkers who is not a supervisor to other non supervisors. This is inappropriate and I have already taken some steps to address it. Btw they don’t get along with one another. The coworker(Y) has repeatedly told us that they are neurodivergent. Every time the the shift(M) has complained about Y, it seems to me that M is complaining about Ys coping skills to overstimulation or stress. Y also doesn’t really listen to M’s enforcement of the workplace rules but M complains to regular coworkers about Ys behaviors and how they deal with stress. I’ve gently tried to defend Y when M was complaining publicly to us and I have also brought the issue up to our manager. I’m not sure if the manager has talked to M, because M has publicly complained again about Ys behavior to us. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. The manager seems highly unprofessional – and if you have already complained about it, not much else you can do. Unless HR needs to be involved…but that should be the last step. Honesly – ignore the manager when they gossip.

    As for the employee – neurodiverse or not, if they aren’t doing their job, that too needs to be handled. Defending them doesn’t help anyone IF the work isn’t getting done…just saying.

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