I’m 42f, single for abt 8 years and feel fulfilled except sexually. I’ve ran into a few dry spells that aren’t fun at all. I don’t want a relationship right now, I would like a recreational sex partner. Lately I’ve been approaching men in a very direct way about this, expressing that I’m very down to be physical right away and have been getting mixed results. (Might be important to know I am typically attracted to younger men, at least by 10 years) I have a notion that some men think women like this are having a lot of sex with multiple men which may be turning them off, when in reality the exact opposite is true. Do I need to tone down my approach?

  1. It’s a real turn off depending on the guy. It’s difficult for me to look at a women doing that the same way i would a guy

    My advice. Keep this between a few friends. You don’t want to tell every guy you meet you do this

    Also . Call me 🤙

  2. i personally like it, i can’t stand people’s bullshit most of the times and id rather not waste any time.

  3. would be fine with it, just make it straightforward from the beginning

  4. Well, first off, Reddit’s not the best place to ask this. A lot of guys here would love a woman being direct like that, but Redditors aren’t the norm. Also, being direct about sex is very different from being different about attraction in general.

    Your best bet is going on apps and setting your preferences. Let guys ask you what you want or make moves on you, and be open, honest and receptive regarding what you like. But don’t necessarily blurt out that you want the D unprompted.

  5. I’d get the impression they found me attractive. If they approached me like that i’d try and get to know them to a bit to see if they were just sleeping around as opposed to just being really into me.

  6. Technically you are a cougar this is expected and the stereotype. You are a niche, Some men like it some dont

  7. Back when I had a couple of “F” buddies it was OK and nobody really cared. It made life easier when you knew what was seek and what was expected. There were UN-written rules in these relationships that everybody respected.
    Funny I remember just going home with a person and in the morning they were gone.

  8. Do you ever visit spain? Im visiting this summer. And um. I would satisfy you alot 😉

  9. I don’t believe in the whole f*ckbuddies/friends with benefits—-thing. But I also was taught to worry about my behavior first and not concern myself with what others are doing.

    I personally have never been approached by any woman let alone one so straight forward but if I was I would have to politely decline because it’s just not for me. Doesn’t mean that I think you or any straightforward woman is a bad person, I just walk a different path.

  10. I think you might be me…I’m ten years younger and I feel like us ‘forward’ girls seem terrifying, as we trample over hundreds of years of sexual repression. I do know guys and girls who love the slow burn into a relationship/sex, and conversely, those who would jump right in. If you keep being honest, you will find your equal. I love it. Keep doing it.

  11. If you’ve got an itch, you need a good scratching. Sometimes you can reach the itch yourself. But like an itch in the middle of your back you can’t reach, there could be other itches you naad a hand or something.

    Just do it, but no need to advertise it widley 😉

  12. Personally, it would turn me off. It sets off all kinds of flags. Even in my 20’s, I didn’t hook up until the second date.

  13. I also live on a big small island and I find the locals to be way more “prudish” than mainlanders, maybe look at people who have moved there from the big island?

  14. As someone how’s absolutely oblivious to flirting I’d very much like this and I think I’m not alone in that but I can also see how it might be a bit overwhelming guess that also depends on your delivery and such

  15. >when in reality the exact opposite is true.

    Doesn’t fit my observations. Women who are (primarily) aiming at hookups usually sleep around quite a lot.

  16. At your age, I would keep it simple and be straightforward as you say.
    As a guy I prefer it that way, we are not getting any younger and let’s be real. why play games?

  17. Not to knock your lifestyle but the harsh truth is straightforward women, especially those in their later years of fertility are much more unattractive. The fact you are 42 and do not have a family would strike a lot of men as an unsuitable mate. But hey, I don’t want to anger todays female empowerment narrative. It’s just unfortunately the truth. I hope you find what you are looking for 😁❤️

  18. I would be fine with a sexually straightforward woman. It’s not a turnoff to me. Saying that I gave up dating a while ago so it’s not something I think about much.

  19. If aproached by a woman like that, I’d most likely suspect it’s some sort of a scam or attempt to manipulate. If I got over this, I’d be over the moon.

  20. I personally love straightforwardness, but I don’t sleep around. If I want to fuck, I typically want to do it with the same person/people for comfort and convivence. If you give off a “here for a good time” vibe, I pass.

    Not everyone is into sex that feels too easy. Also, yes, they may feel like you’re fucking around and either not be into it, or just don’t feel like they need to care about meeting any type of standard etiquette because you’ve got other guys. As you’ve mentioned part of hookup culture is not investing, which makes it easier to blow off people you don’t know well. If you’re just a hookup, the point is they don’t have to “care”.

    So yes, you’re supposed to get mixed results. There should be rejections and people constantly blowing you off. It’s just how shit happens, especially with the age difference.

  21. I would tone down your approach in the beginning, but escalate quickly once it gets physical. You’ll probably get there faster in the end.

  22. To be fair it’s somewhat rare to find a women who goes “cut the chit chat let’s Fck!” I’d bet most guys have not run into that scenario lol.

  23. 34m, same as you I am attracted to a lot younger women(late teens – mid 20’s). For whatever reason women in 30’s here feel like they have 0 sex drive.

    Anyway if woman was very straightforward, that would be a huge red flag. From instantly trying to find hidden camera to thinking there is bunch of dudes nearby who would knock me out and harvest my organs.

    Heck woman approaching me in the first place, would be red flag on it’s own, since everytime I was approached they wanted money!

    I was actually approached by older women(late 40’s) at my work and felt really uncomfortable. On the other hand I was happy when girl(at work) in her early 20’s said Hi to me lol.

  24. If you came to me and told me exactly what you want…. id ask what you like and dislike…. ask if you are flexible with trying new things or sticking with what works…. then we could do what we do… i actually like it when girls say what they want straight.

  25. Depends on what they’re after. I’m personally pretty over dating for a while now, so this approach would be perfect for me. I’ve actually experienced that with a woman your age when I was 27, and it was amazing! I don’t think you need to tone down your approach, it’s what you want so go for what you want. If anything, tell other women your age to take this approach haha guys like me love it. I’ve been pondering how to find an older woman to fool around with lately, perhaps we’ll run into each other somewhere by chance some day 😉 hahaha

  26. Some guys might be turned off by your approach, some guys might just not be into having sex with an older woman, some guys might not be sexually attracted to you.

  27. Don’t you have any long term male friends who would be interested in adding a layer of physical intimacy to your relationship? I mean, that’s worked for me in the past. As long as your relationship with them is clearly an open one, it should be fine.

  28. Your a cougar??? And na, just remember all that crap about sexual harassment goes both ways

  29. I often wonder how many older women are out there looking for this exact thing lol I’m I always found older women sexy as hell but never know where to find that! I’ll be in a grocery store and will be thinking to myself I wonder if any of the older women in here are into younger dudes.

  30. First thing you have to know is that everyone* clicked on your profile and looked for a picture. When they didn’t find one they began to make some assumptions. Every comment I have seen has made at least one assumption about you be it your appearance or otherwise. I agree with another comment that reddit is not the best place to crowdsource. For better or worse, reddit draws in a weird crowd. I also agree with another comment about the knockout 43 year old Brazilian.

    Now for my assumptions and fucked up input: you and I are about the same age. While not divorced myself, I think that if I were single that I, too, would be more interested in a younger sexual partner, so no issues there. I also think of myself as exceptionally youthful in appearance for my age, minus the speckles of gray hair and small patch of thinning at the crown. So not someone on the extreme end of the beauty bell curve, but to the far right of center (not politically speaking). Anyway, I can’t imagine the horror that any younger woman would feel if I just came right out and told her I was down to fuck immediately. That is demeaning. This may sound a bit boomerish, but the move to the bedroom should come as a natural conclusion to chemistry developed over a period of time. It doesn’t have to be a long time. But it should be organic, not transactional. Being upfront about your appetite for sex right here, right now, is the antithesis of organic. And yeah, there are guys who are fine with transactional sex, but it is not a universal trait of men. We men can be, may be, and often are selective with who we fuck. And for good reasons: accidental pregnancy, STIs, damage to reputation, etc.

  31. Like 90% of 20s-30s single men I know would LOVE a NSA sexual relationship with an attractive 42 year old.

    Maybe if you are being too bold you make them think this is a scam or something, because it usually is when women are that bold about sex. I think you should simply be flirty and let the men pursue you.

  32. Honesty, being straightforward and honest is the best thing you can do. It won’t waste anybody’s time. Those who are interrested will go and those who are not will leave. If you already have some successes with this approach, why change it?

  33. You just have to filter out the guys you approach. Go for the more direct men that will appreciate the direct approach and won’t be intimidated. If you were to approach me in this manner I’d buy a round of drinks then tell ya to go hop in the truck.

  34. What do you look like? Are you traditionally “pretty”, “sexy”, toned and in good shape? Or are you a little weathered, plain jane, pudgy?

    Right or wrong this answer will allow me to tell you what’s truly going on.

  35. Sounds difficult to resist in all honesty, getting to the point and not wasting my time sounds like it’s too good to be true

  36. I’m a woman in a similar position. I recommend using high end hook up apps. I’ve met some nice men that way (assholes too, so beware).
    Women have every right to enjoy our sex lives on our own terms. We are confident in what we want and can communicate it clearly-not all men can handle that. Don’t let anyone slut shame you.
    And you’re not a cougar until you hit your 50s FYI. You’re a milf. Go get em. 😉

  37. I think there’s nothing wrong with being sexually straightforward. However, I think there are a couple of alarms in getting physical **right away** for a couple of reasons:

    * You don’t care about your health and sexual wellbeing.
    * You’re not being responsible with your wants and needs.

    I say these things because sex is one of those things that can cause lifelong health problems. I’m more likely to say yes to a sexual offer if I can trust you’re being responsible and you’re open about your health and safety. I don’t care if you have anything transmittable, I only care that you’re being responsible about it. If you’re DTF right away, this also leads me to believe you’re not vetting any potential partner for their health and sexual wellbeing. My health and wellbeing are above any casual hookup. I am only interested in others who feel the same for their health and wellbeing.

  38. I don’t think being straightforward is bad but not everyone wants sex without a relationship. Not even all young dudes are into that, so it’s gonna be 50/50 when you shoot your shot.

    I personally like it when women are straight up about it and I don’t have to play games with them.

  39. Nothing wrong with it. It definitely makes it way easier, plus it cuts through all the lame BS.

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