Aight quick and simple.

I (18M) made out in August with a girl (18F) that had a crush on me on a party.

Although I was in the same class, (even same classroom) as her I talked to her once in the entire year.

Two days ago we met up in a party again and we made out again.

I am introverted but not anti social.

She is a party person but somewhat quiet for someone so social. She is more experienced than me in everything.

I kinda don’t want that cycle to repeat again. Should I text her? Or do something?

I’m up for anything really, anything that is not rejection. Introverted ppl don’t deal with that quite well.

  1. If you like her, reach out. Though even as an introverted myself, I can safely say, you have to accept that rejection is part of life.

    It happens and is entirely outside of our control but that in no way means you should deny yourself the chance of something good because you might get rejected.

  2. Ask her out for a date “x venue at xpm on x-day” and if she brushes you off then you that’s cool no worries, you focus you attention elsewhere and ignore the validation attempts. The neediness you need to avoid most of all is post-rejection. One no is always enough.

  3. What is she into that isn’t parties? Find an event or activity that you think she would like, and invite her to do it.

    “Hey Sue, I was thinking about going to this art gallery opening next weekend and looking for someone to go with me, would you be interested? We could grab a bite to eat afterwards.”

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