I’m in 10 weeks of my 2nd pregnancy, and suffering heavy morning sickness. This is my husband’s response to me. What is the best I can do now. He said he doesn’t want 2nd baby.

  1. E….. Excuse me

    What? Are those stripes of notes left on your fridge?

    I assume you have … Been ill. Is your barf the food he is talking about?!

    That’s super insensitive…

    This is a big story. Please fill us in.

  2. Please tell us that this is NOT posted as a response to you “wasting food” due to morning sickness? Morning sickness basically caused by his dick?

  3. Do you have somewhere safe you and your child can go? That doesn’t appear to be a safe place to raise a kid while pregnant.

  4. Ah. Well.

    I’d keep these photos, have a conversation through text about it, then file for divorce and show this in court and say you were scared for your health because he didn’t want you eating while pregnant.

    I’ve a feeling he’s not so nice of a person.

  5. Is this from you throwing up, or making food and realizing you can’t eat it?

    People have addressed the former. If the latter, maybe work on food storage, make small amounts husband or kid 1 could have for lunch.

    Anecdotally, mustard helped me a lot. Crappy hotdogs with mustard became my go to food.

  6. I would definitely keep this picture for future reference. Was this the first sign he showed of idiocy, or stupidity? If this is how he treats his wife and thinks of children, he wouldn’t like me and mine. This is where 100 years ago male family members of the wife would gather with a husband and issue an attitude adjustment. Good luck but I think you are raising 3 children.

  7. My response would be:

    Don’t be a disrespectful asshole
    1. Leave passive aggressive notes on the fridge
    2. I’ve scheduled you for a vasectomy on Monday.
    3. If you miss your appointment, you can sign the divorce papers I’ve drafted up. Sign ….here>>>

  8. Wow. He’s got a serious case of stupid. Is he literally the dumbest man on the planet?

  9. Best stance for why I’m a single mother…ffs he’s an az girl much better fish in the sea!

  10. wow. this is unacceptable. this comes across as extremely controlling and abusive.
    you obviously need to address the pregnancy if he isn’t on board – but i would be more concerned about a child growing up around someone like this

  11. I’m sorry he’s essentially telling you not to eat. But make sure to mention it in a message to have it for later like someone has mentioned!

    He should know that you wouldn’t try to eat much and not looking to waste. Sadly, I used like him and controlling about specific ways things are done but he can learn seeing as you already have 1 child together.

    My spouse has been the nicest with understanding my sickness around every 1rst day on my period. The most recent one I vomited, felt lightheaded, lidn’t keep much down, etc. I commend that you’re the one who is remaining strong since this is the baby’s home.

    I wouldn’t want to have another child with him yet fully understanding you wanting to keep it with or without moving forward in the marriage. Hopefully he understands how you already feel & acts more considerate.

  12. I’ve read many posts on Reddit. This one just touches me in all my angry parts. The fact that this person took the time to type and stick this up on a fridge. His wife is throwing up, not eating and he thought ” I’ll just tell her to stop wasting food”.
    Not comfort, research on some remedies to try, not helping more in the morning, EFFING NOTE ON THE FRIDGE!. Its so cruel! How did you respond? I have patience and self control, But would have torn it down and went the hell off!

  13. Ask your husband if he has hemorrhoids. When he says no, just tell him “that’s what I thought, a perfect asshole”.

  14. Idk if your parents are near or in the picture, but I know if it were me I’d be packing my shit. During pregnancy a woman is too vulnerable on so many levels to be in a space and be unsupported.

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