I am 17 years old, almost 18. I think I better explain my life first.

I don’t have a car but I am about to start getting my license, and then I will have my car.

I like being a “gamer” and I love technology.

I don’t usually go to parties, only the local parties, I very rarely go to any bar, even with a party.
I hardly drink any alcoholic beverages, when I do it’s something like one or two beers.

I do sports only when I feel like it, I’m not signed up for any of it. Thanks to that I am slightly overweight, I don’t want to be fat, so I try not to be.
I was thinking about joining the gym for a while and now my best friend is joining and I think I’ll go with him.

When the pandemic came I was studying in my city until I had to choose what I wanted for my life, vocational school (start a course, with the possibility to go to work or college at the end of school) or follow the “regular” school with the need to go to college. I chose the vocational school, my best friend stayed in the “regular” school, he studies a lot, goes rarely to the pc and I am rarely with him since then only in the vacations I am really with him more.
I am taking a 3 year course in electronics, and I am almost done with the 2nd year (1 year left to go). The school is in a town about 10 minutes from my house, if you drive. To this school went 3 more friends of mine that nevertheless went to another course. In my class at school there are only boys, no girls, and I think I have a good friendly relationship with them.

I think you already know enough to start explaining where I need help, I’ll be direct.
For as long as I can remember I have had almost no relationships with girls and women, only family members.
I have never dated, nor have I even come close to kissing any. I am in a phase where I feel a lot of need for a girlfriend, now my best friend spends even less time with me, now he has a girlfriend.

Since I changed schools, since that choice for the vocational course, I haven’t had a conversation with a girl my age. This happened because as I didn’t talk much and wasn’t great friends with any, as in the new school I didn’t know anyone, I don’t have girls in the class and I don’t go to many parties I end up not interacting with girls.
I know many by name, I know many by sight, I even follow many on Instagram. Speaking of Instagram, my last picture there is from 2017 😀 and I never do stories there.

I like 4 or 5 girls I’ve never talked to, I just follow on Instagram, alias one of them hasn’t accepted the request to follow yet. I don’t even know if they are dating.
I don’t have the courage to go talk to them face to face, I’m ashamed that some friend will see.

I can stare at them for hours, just enjoying the beauty.

Yesterday I spent 1 hour and a half playing and watching foosball against one of them, I was next to her, I laughed with her but of course the whole time with 1 or 2 friends on the side. Still it was one of the best feelings of my whole life.
I feel like I can be a much better boyfriend than some people I see out there and even know but somehow I can’t talk to them, I’m ashamed to do it. I am also ashamed that I have never kissed one and that I can’t even talk to them.
I am afraid that when school ends I will be like this, I don’t want to spend my life like this, alone, even because every man has sexual desire and so do I.

Can anyone help? I want to know everything that can help me get out of this situation!

TLDR; I’ve never dated, I’ve never kissed, I don’t talk to girls, I can’t. I am completely fed up with it and ashamed. I am also very eager to have a partner.

1 comment
  1. Listen to me very very carefully. I’m going to give you the truest shit. I’m about to give you jewels. I work for a Financial Institution. Every day I work on accounts where some women take their kids child support money and spend it on their own shit. Women hiding funds and maxing out their husband/boyfriend accounts without fail , only to have those sorry bastards call in to find out what happened to their funds.Happens every day like clockwork. Piece of advice, wear a condom, never add a woman on your account, never move in with any woman. Work on yourself, work your ass off, save your money. Have fun but ALWAYS use a condom… ALWAYS!!! Do not earn the BABY DADDY Title as you’ll be fucked financiallly because you wanted to bust a nut. Be smart, earn your cash, work on your health and wealth. Don’t worry, they’ll notice you but be SMART in your SELECTION. If you don’t believe me, spend a day in Family court or speak with someone else in the financial industry and they tell you similar stories.

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