MEN who finally stopped tolerating mistreatment by SO, what was the last straw?

  1. she got mad and accused me of cheating when i was playing videogames and didnt respond for like 20 minutes

    everything i did was cheating according to her

  2. finding a Nordstrom shopping bag in the trash with a receipt showing expensive lingerie that I had never seen….after 14 years of a sexless marriage is how I found out she was cheating…

  3. My ex continued breaking up with me every time she got pissed, like some kind of high school kid. I had a couple serious talks- ‘ This has to stop. Im not joking’ and she would say ‘ Youre right, im so sorry, i really love you’

    Next day, I’m not sure I can meet up for lunch, and Bam ‘ YOU’RE SINGLE, G_MAN’

    and the last time I said ‘ Youre absolutely right’

  4. i was feeling despair for no reason one day and told her i needed to hear her say she loved me. she got offended and weirded out by this, turned it in to an argument, and ignored me for the rest of the day. i had issues with her emotional unavailability for our entire relationship and that was the breaking point. a couple days later i really lost it on her which i regret sometimes. and i feel embarrassed i let someone drive me crazy over the course of a year or so. but ultimately im doing a lot better now and am glad we arent together

  5. When I started hitting back. I’d never been punched in a relationship and I had never struck ANY of my exes. After a few years of taking punches, slaps, and gouges…I hit back and I knew then that I had to get the fuck out. I’m not a violent man but what I felt in that moment let me know that I was the one who needed to leave.

  6. Not me but my best friend had to lock himself in one room while his drunk wife went on a violent rampage in his flat.

  7. woke up in the hospital after being in a coma, the result of an industrial accident, and she was screaming ‘how the fuk you gonna pay for this, you aren’t using any of my money’ of course she had no money, every penny she/we had was the result of my efforts. when released from the hospital i never went back home.

    lemme add some info; do not marry a lawyer. divorce took +2.5 years.

  8. When my brother n law told me a car was in my driveway. I hope anyone that has good people around you that they look out for you. Also no sex and she began sleeping in another room at all odd hours of the night.

  9. She had been dating somebody else on the side for like 2 years and that guy died.

    His obituary described her as the “love of his life”.

    She was that slimy and this poor bastard literally died and thought she was the one.

  10. I told her if she wanted to be bitchy all of the time, to go do it somewhere else. I was tired of her drama. No more fighting, no more yelling, no more negativity.

    There wasn’t a last straw, just 15+ years of her never learning from her mistakes and I just had had it. So now, rather than adjust and learn what actually works, she takes the kids out to her car to yell at them.

    I’m so done. Can’t wait to actually be done.

  11. I dated a woman while going through weekend visitation with my six year old son from a previous relationship. His mother was lazy and distant, and he cried every time I took him back to her.

    The current relationship was starting to sour, and I was already wondering if we were done, when she mocked my son’s tears and said he was faking being upset.

    I immediately understood the path this was about to take, and just exited stage left.

  12. She accused me of “using” her because I wouldn’t obey her about leaving my career to move in with her to a different country!

  13. She had personal problems that affected our relationship. Although they put a strain on me, I supported her as much as I can thinking we could get over it as a couple. After years of putting up with it I have realized that she never had any intention of working on those said problems.

    After that realization I stopped putting in that extra effort and soon enough she broke up with me.

  14. After two years of supporting a friend she became increasingly absurd about the neighbors being noisy. Eventually She moved out and left me with the rent on a two bedroom my self. I had asked for a month about sorting out the internet. Just had to go to a store and sign some papers. Finally she sends me a bunch of demanding messages that I drop everything and immediately see her about this. This sorta made me realize I had spent fifteen years feeding a monster and as long as I interacted with her it would be like this. Went to her new place dropped a box of her crap (plus the modem) on her door step texted her to grab it before someone else did and went home. After she realized she was going to have to eat $500 to break the contract she was quite willing to meet with me. I agreed on the condition she never speak to me again. Been a year now and I have no regrets about cutting her out. Still blames me for her woes according to friends, fuck that she made her poor choices not me.

  15. She shoved me… dumped her on the spot and never looked back. Never lay your hand on each other in that manner.

  16. She tried to slit my throat with my razor knife from work and I plotted my escape over the next day, then getting stabbed by my car key about 80 times all over my head and body until it broke. That was the day I left.

  17. She reactive abused me. Tried convincing me I had a mental illness for being anxious around her all the time. She was a drama causer. I got out. Anxiety gone.

  18. We were 15. When we started dating, she didn’t like PDA, which was fair enough. She talked me into going to my first anime convention, and she was an absolute bitch. She didn’t like me clinging to her and actually hit me a couple times, then told me to go away because I was “broody”. For the entirety of summer, I went places I didn’t want to, bought things I wouldn’t have bought otherwise, and the places I wanted to go to where we went to, we only went for like 2 hours. Do you know what it’s like to make $160 doing chores around the house for a season pass to a waterpark and amusement park to leave less than 3 hours after showing up? She was like a dog in heat in private but if her friends were around, it was like I didn’t exist. If my friends were around, she tried to socialize with them but was condescending toward me. But she was my first real girlfriend, she bought me stuff, and it was hot when we were alone.

    What told me I needed out was one situation. She had come over to hang out, and my mom came up and said my uncle wanted to take us to a movie. She wanted to see Inception and I wanted to see Toy Story 3. We went back and forth and finally said we would see whatever had a higher rating. Of course, Toy Story wins… so she started making out with me and touching me. I went with it. About a half hour later my mom asked if we made a decision. She spoke over me and said “we decided we don’t want to see a movie” and continued once mom walked away. She stripped entirely naked and i was down to my underwear. My mom caught us and told her she was going home. My stepdad took her home while my mom talked with me about being more careful. He came back. He said she asked if he was going to tell her parents. He said he didn’t decide yet. She says it was all my idea and she wasn’t willing. So… got a rape accusation. Which is stupid, considering when we got busted, she was on top and the one who started this whole thing. 3 days later, broke up with her over text because I didn’t feel safe anymore.

    Edit: Sorry, didn’t realize this would come out so long. But the TL;DR is getting slapped around and the constant condescending didn’t trigger anything, but a rape accusation did. And being honest… it took me a couple days to decide if I still wanted to end it.

  19. I had told her that while I was studying for the bar exam that I would only be able to see her on Saturdays as I would be studying Sunday through Friday. We lived a few hours apart at that point so it wasnt easy to finish studying and go see her in the evenings. Two weeks into studying for the exam she had this event that she wanted me to go to during the week. It was important to her so I decided I would go. I figured I could go to event, listen to a few lectures on my drive over, and I could study a few hours longer each day that week to make up for time I would be gone

    She was happy I was there but during the event we were invited to go out with a few other people after. I said she should go with them if she wanted to but I unfortunately needed to get going because I needed to get back home so I could to study for an hour or two before it was too late. Her response was “Come on. It’s just a test.” At that point I realized she prioritized her social status more than my career goals. Because this “test” is what determined whether I could actually become a lawyer after spending 7 years in school. So I ended things with her that Saturday.

  20. The third time she hit me. She was certifiable… she was also a master at gaslighting. Don’t miss her at all!

  21. Oh boy, it has been a downhill year.

    She watched the restaurant She worked at crumble during covid, not due to to covid just a shitty owner who could manage a restaurant. We knew this was coming months in advance and she never bothered looking for a job.

    She then spent 5 months unemployed, after the time there were no extra benefits. This was also during the time where every restaurant was hiring around us with decent service wages, signing bonuses, the whole nine. There was no reason She couldn’t find a job she just didn’t. Her car had been in the shop for two years because she didn’t save the money to pay for it so I had to drive everywhere if we were going somewhere. She was loaded with credit card debt.

    But during the unemployment time she started playing an online mmo, and played it for 12 hours a day or so. Started living in the headset with random guys online, new snapchat groups, discord on the phone. Constantly talking to them and literally the only thing she had to talk about.

    She slowly shut me off emotionally and physically so she could spend all her time with her guild, going so far as to stop coming to bed anymore and just chatting until she fell asleep on the headset with them.

    Kept telling her this shit ain’t normal and I am definitely not comfortable with it, she kept doing it, I broke up with her and told her to move out of the house I bought.

    Sweet girl for most of those 7 years, but God damn if she didn’t lose her mind

  22. It was when her Bitch kid dismissed me like i didnt matter and she followed suit…. So i made sure the bills were paid so i couldnt be accused of anything and made sure my money was right and the job transfer was in place. Once that was done i bailed and broke it off through text.

  23. When my SO spouted of litany of all the things she hated or didn’t agree with over the past five years of the relationship as we left a restaurant for the two minute walk to the car. She did not miss one event. It was right then and there I knew I was done and never returned after dropping her off at her house. Life is too short for the bullshit.

  24. When we broke up we were still seeing each other, like an on/off are we/aren’t we kinda thing, but she got pissed with me over something stupid and “broke up” with me. With some time actually apart I grew some self-respect and when she tried contacting me again I told her we were never happening again

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