I (29F) made a dumb decision with my then partner (31M). We’d been together for several months, and got a little carried away. One thing led to another and we had unprotected sex. He told me he was clean, and I believed him. I was a virgin. I went in for my annual female wellness check, and found out I had chlamydia.
Lots of conversations later with my now ex, we’re no longer together. (Though I do believe him when he said he thought he was clean).
My question is how do you move on? I’m kind of scared to ever trust a man again, especially if we want to be intimate. I’m still kind of beating myself up for my foolishness, so please be kind. I know what I did wrong.

I did a dumb thing, ended up getting chlamydia. It was my first time. How do you move on?

  1. do you beat yourself up when you get a cold? how about a yeast infection? this is a super treatable condition. get your antibiotics, baby yourself for a bit and keep it moving.

    you know better now so you’ll do better.

  2. Trust but verify.

    When you find a new partner before yall get intimate with or without protection. Get an STD test, and make them do it too.

    Make it a regular occurance where you are doing it every x months since some stds can be dormant for awhile.

  3. Condoms are a girl’s best friend, unprotected sex should be saved for well established partners you trust, are monogamous/exclusive with and have talked to prior to about it. Golden rule is after every partner to get checked. He may have thought he was fine because he had no symptoms but hadn’t been tested ever/ in a long time.

  4. I learned fairly fucking young that if they can’t prove they’re clean, it’s likely because they’re not.
    I ended up with the same thing, and I only found out because he knocked me up. I was clean before him, and I KNEW it. He then accused ME of cheating. He flat out REFUSED to take the medication, so we never had sex again. Luckily he didn’t stick around, and chlamydia is curable.

    I never made the same mistake again.

  5. Tested negative.*
    Clean adds to the stigma of if you have an std your dirty or gross.

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