Relationships often require both a romantic and “friendship-esc” connection. How did your partner strengthen/deepen their bond with you on both fronts?

  1. We strengthened all aspects of our relationship together by loving each other, spending time together, having experiences together, communicating together, and sharing emotional intimacy/trusting each other. Those are things that are constant and ongoing in our relationship.

  2. Friendship wise, very strong. We are great friends and look to one another for support.

    Romance wise, challenging as we see it differently but I think could be just culture and social upbringing. Our physical connection helps

    I always say if we broke up or didn’t start dating we’d be great friends

  3. Showing appreciation, hanging out, goofing off. All the little things add up in big ways.

  4. He lowkey had already taken the bff title before we got together because he was always there for me and was my shoulder to cry on when I was going through a lot with family and school and listened intently but also could call me out nicely. We would go on little adventures (hiking, museums, etc) so that just translated into the relationship (we went through a FWB part during the transition which is funny to think about) and now we do all the same things to further strengthen/ deepen the bond but there’s also lots more intimacy on all fronts that help a ton too

  5. Our love life is borderline fairy tale. He constantly makes me feel loved and cherished through little gestures on a near daily basis. The sex is otherworldly and full of passion. He stares at me like I’m the only woman on earth. He’s not afraid to be cute and goofy in public with me and he’s a phenomenal father.

    Our friendship side is also pretty picturesque. Our text conversation is memes, stupid videos, and nuanced little inside jokes. It’s also the little things here. He knows when he’s about to take lunch, he’s calling me to see if I wanna meet up. He stops to get gas, he grabs me a KitKat and code red Mountain Dew.

    We don’t argue, we don’t fight, we’re not afraid to call out each others bullshit tactfully and we don’t throw jabs to get even. When we apologize we mean it and that’s that as far as that little bickering went. We’re healthy in every aspect of our relationship.

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