I casually went to sleep at 4pm… set an alarm on shitting alexa for 45 minutes and it didn’t go off. I woke up at 20:30pm and now I have to get up at 6:30 the next day for an EXAM. How tf am I supposed to get to sleep??

Stupid alexa never set a fucking alarm on one of those again

  1. I don’t sleep well at night, but I’ve recently done this a few times and I honestly feel a lot more refreshed. Just make sure your Alexa is working properly for tomorrow and maybe set a backup alarm in case you oversleep.

  2. Ask Alexa to “play rain on a window” and listen to the sounds that will help you fall asleep.

  3. I use audible and pick an audiobook about something really in depth. I had a law one last month, I’m absolutely not clever enough for it so it always ends up boring me to sleep

  4. Go for an hour’s walk burn some energy.

    Read something uninteresting that’s not on a screen.

    Hopefully fall asleep

  5. No one’s said it but beat the bishop always makes you sleepy afterwards. Well if your a man it does

  6. Try not to stress about it. You’ve just had half a good night’s sleep already, so don’t expect to get a full eight hours tonight because you won’t need it- if you manage 2-3 hours later in the night to top up, you’ll probably feel quite well rested by the morning. Your brain needs time to run through the sleep cycles and clear itself out, but it doesn’t usually matter if you sleep precisely between X and Y hours so long as you’re getting enough rest in a 24 hour period.

  7. Do this way too often, have to pull an all nighter and not nap the next day to get back in to the correct cycle, or try to force yourself to sleep by laying in the dark with no phone etc and probably wake up at like 3 or 4 am and feel even worse

  8. I’ve never tried setting an alarm for a time interval. I use timers if I know how long I want something to be, or alarms if I know exactly when I want something to happen.

    Our regular weekday Alexa alarm hasn’t failed us yet. I do have to remember to tell her I’m up if I go for a jog otherwise the wife gets irritable, but I can do that from a different alexa somewhere else in the house which is pretty cool.

  9. If you sleep in the afternoon you may be fine sleeping less at night.

    More than just hours of sleep, what the brain needs is calm. I used to practice zen long ago and I used to naturally sleep like 6h a day without being sleepy during the day.

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