I realized this girl I’ve known for over 5 years can’t hold onto a friend even if her life depended on it.

Over the years she’s made/had many “best friends”, but they don’t stick in her life for long. She’ll just suddenly never talk or post about them ever again it’ll be like they never even existed in the first place.

I’ve always wanted to ask her what ever happened to those friends and why is it that she struggles to stay friends with others for long periods of time. I’m genuinely interested to hear if she would potentially admit/imply she could’ve been the problem

  1. Coworker who’s eyes don’t point in the same direction. Like not even close. He never mentioned it, so I never said anything. I have no clue which eye I should look in when talking with him, so I think I’m darting back and forth constantly. Unsure if he can even see out of both.

  2. Histeronic personality disorder? Does she need to be the center of attention?

  3. I had a buddy that would get blackout drunk and make an ass of himself. Sometimes, he would drive and not care about DUI or worse. I finally asked him about it, begged him to stop and stopped hanging with him.

  4. I know a friend like that. Hopefully I don’t get cut off. I’m pretty toxic

  5. My ex best was clearly a pervert(like not in a funny way). I slowly stopped hanging out with him after I noticed that he would “jokingly “ bring up the idea of recording people without them knowing when he would get drunk. Like EVERY single time. It was eerie af. I eventually just pointed it out to our mutual friends and let that mf slide into oblivion and out of my life

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