If you could just snap your fingers and suddenly be speaking a different language, what language would you want to be speaking?

  1. Spanish (I know some but I would love to be fluent). I live in CA and I wish it was just mandatory in schools here.

  2. At the moment, French, but could I snap my fingers again for another language? Joual (a dialect of Canadian French)
    wouldn’t be very useful in Paris, after all.

  3. Arabic
    My husband is from Morocco and i would love to be able to speak his native language. Im learning but its so hard 😅

  4. I’d love to speak Korean, love how that sounds. And Spanish would be nice because English + Spanish really opens a ton of countries for you.

  5. All of them. It would take me a while to get them all but I would like to know them.

  6. I’d love to be able to speak Italian. I just love the way it sounds

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