What are your thoughts on mustaches making a return?

  1. As long as they don’t make a return on my husband’s face, I don’t care.

  2. I thought only the elderly or the dictators have mustaches. Doesn’t look nice imo

  3. On the right person a mustache can be hot but most people can’t pull it off. Maybe kind of like a shaved head on a woman

  4. I dreaded the day they came back but I’m looking forward to when it’s not in anymore… and hope that my favorite men (as in celebrity crushes) will not grow one, lol.

  5. They can be cute on someone if they have a cool and unique style to go with it .. if a guy is just plain and has a stache it’s kind of weird. but that’s my opinion.

  6. Neutral. Men’s facial hair fashion trends aren’t that relevant to me. They are welcome to do what they like.

  7. i like them on my partner. he’s also almost always had it so no change for me

  8. I love Mr. WineAndDogs2020 and he’s damn attractive, but when he once grew a mustache during no shave November he looked like he owned a windowless van that had “free candy” spray-painted on the side.

  9. I love them. Of course it doesn’t look right on everyone, but some people pull it off really well. As long as it’s nicely groomed and taken care of, I’m all for it, same with beards.

  10. I like them if they are trimmed well. However, I really like trimmed beards even more.

  11. If they are well maintained then yes!
    But a lot of time men gets beards that just aren’t maintained and that is gross…

  12. For people I’m not in a relationship with? Totally indifferent. Some look more rugged with mustaches, others look silly. But it’s a free country, do what you want.

    On my partner? I’d prefer they didn’t have one so I don’t feel that when kissing, touching, or…other activities. That’s just a sensation that I don’t really enjoy as it’s distracting.

  13. Wasn’t keen at first when my bf started growing one during the first lockdown. Looked a bit feeble. Now that it’s thickened up I actually really like it. Can’t imagine him without it tbh.

    Fun harmless trend for the men, I’m into it. Many cute moustaches around at the mo.

  14. Hate it. Without a beard being attached mustaches by themselves are, in my opinion, cursed.

  15. Annoyance. I hate them, think they look stupid, and dealt with them enough with my ex-husband. (My dislike for them predates him. All of the above comes with the caveat this is all my opinion and I’m positive there are things that delight me that other people hate or think are stupid.)

  16. I hate facial hair in any capacity, so it’s a 👎🏼 from me.

  17. The only person who has ever looked good with a mustache was Richard from Friends.

  18. I don’t like blonde moustaches (sorry blondies). But other than that, the 70’s porn stache is a yes – my fac example is on Jack Steele.

  19. I really hate most facial hair, so, yeah, hate mustaches. A very short, trimmed and manicured beard or goatee, I can be OK with, but anything other than that is a huge turn off to me.

    I have never seen a man with a moustache who didn’t looke better without one.

  20. For some people it gives them this cool vintage look, but some of them just kinda look like sex offenders.

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