Pretty disgusting i know just read through plz. I don’t even remember what led to this conversation and am pretty sure he was starting to get a little drunk. He told me that his mom shaves his pubic hair because she’s “too good at it” (don’t know what that means either). I stared deadpan at him and yea he was dead serious. I asked him why can’t do it himself and he said they just got used to it. We’re both 18 y/o males.

I know it’s none of my business & I’m overthinking it. But surely this is creepy af? Should I express any concerns or just don’t bother?

  1. This would work great in a standup routine.

    I would pretend it’s a joke. If something unusual of this nature is brought up again *then* I would definitely have some questions.

  2. I would pretend I heard wrong and he actually said PUBLIC hair, you know, the hair the public sees.

  3. Wow! That’s definitely not normal. That’s grooming in more ways than one. Sounds like the start of a broken arms situation.

  4. Yea that’s fucking disturbing. I have 2 sons and would never do that shit. I would suggest you tell him something like hey man you were pretty drunk last night and said some weird shit and makeup 2 funny things and mention what he said about his mom and end with another funny made up shit. Watch what his face says.

  5. I mean yeah on the one side it could be a joke, if it’s not Ur Buddy just opened up about the sexual herassment he suffered from his mum and U want to pretend U didn’t hear anything.

    What would U have done if Ur gf opened up that she shaves the balls of her father?

    What else does he have to do for her? Ur Buddy needs help or at least a better friend then U are for him.

  6. This is how pedophiles do their “work”. They find different means and actions that can pass as “normal” to their kids, or kids they take care of and use those opportunities to touch them.
    Some use this crap, others bath them, wash their genitals etc.

    Tell your friend to stop his mom from doing this.

  7. People thought it was odd Anton from Love Island UK s5’s mum shaved his arse, but this is… very disturbing. I hope your friend isn’t being forced into this by his mum, because it sure sounds like that might be possible.

  8. My 23 year old ex bf told his mom bath him 🙂🤐 i was liks oedipus much

  9. Sounds like another troll that expresses his lame erotic fantasies through throwaway account, tbh

  10. This is genuinely irking me to the core. At 18? Wow I’m already wondering what other things their mother does to them and them expecting their future wives to do as well

  11. Yes. Creepy as hell. Mom needs to get her hands off his balls. I cannot imagine this working out well for the rest of his life. If she’s this enmeshed in his personal life now, he will never be able to have a relationship. He needs to start enforcing some hard boundaries or his life will be shit.

  12. This is absolutely fucked up. Seriously.

    My daughter has public hair early and I’m aware that a swimming costume may be an awkward experience for her………

    So I went and bought a wetsuit style swimsuit for her. It wouldn’t cross my mind to bloody trim her.

  13. Personally, I’d bring it back up with him when he is sober. The fact that he told you this whole he was drunk shows it’s something he thinks about but knows he can’t say sober, and it may have been his cry for help. Him saying she’s ‘too good at it’ might be him repeating what she has said to him to ‘normalised what she is doing.

    The guy needs help.. even if you’re just like ‘hey, is everything okay at home dude?’ And if he’s like ‘yeah, why?’, just explain that he told you a few things while he was drunk and that you just wanted to check in on him because he didn’t seem right while he was talking about it.

  14. First I read „she shaves her pubic hair“ and was like okay I mean nothing disturbing despite maybe how does he know about it – does he watch her?

    Then I read „his“ and I am like: okay that is just f***** up …
    I mean wtf. I hope he realizes that is not normal and in my opinion sexual harassment.

  15. That’s weird as hell. I stopped seeing both my boys naked well before any public hair started growing and I sure as shit wouldn’t be offering to shave it.

  16. Maybe she is unusually good at it. Maybe she can shave really cool patterns in there, like crop circles for your pubes. I say you let her do yours.

  17. I don’t know if I would say anything about it. That seems to offer nothing of any value to do so.

    But do know your friend is definitely, definitely different than most of us. I’m trying to look at ever possible angle to make this not possibly the most awkward moment that two 18 year old men can have, but the only things I can come up with is:

    1. Can he really not hold his liquor very well, and even though he looked at you with all seriousness he was expressing a fantasy (there are subreddits that talk about that one) he has that turned into a memory in a tipsy mind?
    2. Maybe he’s a competitive swimmer, and she been doing this shit since he was a kid for a competitive advantage. I can’t swim, but I know swimmers that do.

    I got nothing else, man. I’m glad you have reddit to anonymously get this one off your chest.

  18. Material for an awkard conversation”

    ”Wow, i never felt so neatly trimmed pupes before”

    ”Thanks, my mom’s really great with the razor blade”

    ”Your what?”

  19. This reminds me of a girl who told me about a guy she was going out with. Apparently his mom cleaned his butt for him after taking a shit and the mother was like “Oh don’t be jealous, someday you’ll do it too”.
    Of course she ran away fast. Mama’s boys are often not independent and may rely on you for even the smallest things.
    I personally think this is kind of attachment is really creepy.

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