We had a pizza party at work, and one woman admonished several of us that we should use napkins instead of getting our hands on someone else’s slice. I thought that was a weird and had never heard of using napkins. Do some people do it that way?

  1. I feel like if the pizza is cut properly, you shouldn’t need to grab another slice to lift it up. I’ve never heard of using napkins, though.

  2. I guess she makes a point. Being really clean and careful, but people don’t generally do that. I know that the cuts aren’t perfect. Maybe try to grab a knife and cut more.

  3. It should just pull apart. If not you grip both crusts and rip.

    This is why you should wash you hands before dinner.

  4. I guess it depends how comfortable you are with the people you’re sharing it with. Doesn’t sound too crazy to me.

  5. Pre-2020 I’d use my hands. Now, I’d probably avoid communal self-serve food. Y’all nasty.

  6. I would only touch it if it was like for my family/friends and my hands were freshly washed. Never at work or with people I don’t know. Get a knife!

  7. You know that tiny table in the middle of the pizza, that’s what’s that’s for. Use the tiny table if it comes with it.

  8. I don’t think I’d admonish someone for that with the pizza but office food in particular did always fall under the “only touch what you’re gonna eat” territory. I’d use napkins to break off foods, especially if someone was particular about it.

  9. Well tbh i always did grab the other slice with my hand (because i was gonna eat it too lol) or i jiggled it off

  10. Honestly, since the pandemic every public gathering I’ve been to (which has been like 3 of them) that has involved pizza there were either napkins or plastic gloves involved in picking up the slices.

    I’ve always been a major germaphobe, but the napkin makes sense to me outside of a family/friends event tbh who knows who washes their hands


    The more I think about my time working in an office, we’ve always used napkins to pick up shared food. Like, someone brought in slices of lemon cake the other week and we all used napkins to pick it up

    Even outside of my germaphobe, I’m team office lady on this one.

  11. Hands, but am grabbing the corner and not getting my hands all over it. With friends or family I give way less of a shit.

  12. I’m careful sharing food at work or a party where I don’t know everybody well. You don’t know who is a germophobe.

    If it’s not sliced well, I will usually grab a clean knife and fork, and separate ALL the slices with them, so nobody has to worry about it. It prevents awkward admonishments like the one you experienced, and everyone gets their ‘za faster which makes the line go faster.

  13. It’s pizza man, if you’re concerned about food coming in contact with hands then order something else.

  14. I like to let the oils of my skin mix with the grease of the pizza in a sort of lardish orgy of the flesh and cheese.

  15. Ive never seen anyone use a napkins. A knife maybe.

    But in spite of all the answers you are seeing the truth is more like 90%+ of the time hands.

    Me personally? If it’s my friends or family then hands definitely.

    If business event or customers are involved then I’ll be sure to one hand it.

    Whoever takes the first slice , maybe takes them both, then each successive slice can easily be one-handed from there on out.

  16. IMO it’s rude to touch other people’s food with your hands. People generally don’t want to eat things someone else has touched.

  17. Depends on who I’m sharing with. Family / friends? Just hands. At the office with people whose hygiene I generally don’t trust? Napkins, 100%.

  18. I don’t care but yeah if it’s a party where I don’t know everybody really well I would grab a clean plastic knife (or similar) to hold down the piece I’m not taking.

  19. I personally dont eat the crust. Although some people might.

    If I seen a bunch of people ripping into pizza and touching other slices crust, I personally would be a little bit, not hungry anymore.

    Humans can be disgusting. You never know who just slipped a finger up there ass prior to pizza party time. And I’m almost certain there is just sick twisted people who either A. scratched their ass on purpose before the party, or B. unknowing scratched his ass without being consider of the pizza party hes about to goto. Habits are habits, and I feel like giggling the pizza or grabbing a napkin for a piece while at a “pizza party” is probably the best.

  20. Around my neck of the woods you better be ready for combat to the death when the pizza box is opened. We don’t have time for civility. Grab what you can, because of you don’t, you will be sliceless & hungry.

  21. I do. If Im with someone i’m not close with. there are times that its not cut okay and its hard to jiggle around. Easier that way. Im doing it for the other who will eat that slice. 😂😂

  22. I like my friends but I’m not gonna associate with someone that wimpy. I’ll be setting off homemade M80s while you can bathe in isopropyl.

  23. It depends who i’m eating w. If it’s my friends or family I just touch them lol i trust everyone to have clean hands

  24. Definitely never touch someone else’s food unless you are working in the kitchen or a(n official) host or server, and even then, as little as possible. It is just considered rude and/or unappetizing in the U. S.

    If the pizza slice won’t come loose, then first I’d jiggle the slice as someone else said. If there’s stringy cheese that won’t break, use a clean knife.

    I wouldn’t even touch the next slice with a napkin. It’s about like touching the slice. The grease will wet the napkin and it will become porous.

    And no, before anyone says what is the big deal: it’s just the idea of it, the illusion if you will. And a lot of people still are worried about germs for other reasons too.

  25. They sometimes have the little table looking thing. I use that. Otherwise, I’ll try to get a utensil of some kind.

    If that’s not possible then I use my whole arm to hold the entire pizza down, and pull the slice that I want… like a caveman.

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